The Setting is the Wrapping, Not the Content

Tantz_Aerine at 12:26AM, Feb. 20, 2021

I have never been an X-men fan. More like a casual consumer of the movies, and that was only until the disastrous (in my opinion) Wolverine singles and the Dark Phoenix movie which I couldn't finish. Props to everyone who managed to enjoy those films! These things are a ...

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The Empire Strikes Back is 40 - and More Baffling Silliness from Disney Lucasfilm?

Banes at 12:00AM, Dec. 31, 2020

Spoilers for recent Star Wars, eg the Mandalorian.
It went unspoken in my year of Newsposts, but 2020 is the 40th Anniversary the release of The Empire Strikes Back.

that's not true! That's impossible!
No, man! Search your feelings! you know it's true! Forty damn years!

Though ...

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Danko's Flaming Heart

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Dec. 5, 2020

I couldn't have been older than 11 when I read The Flaming Heart of Danko by Maxim Gorky. And boy, did it cut me with the finest of fine glass. Even now thinking about the short story hurts somewhere deep in my soul.

And yet, I love it so ...

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The Importance of a Cordial Response

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 23, 2020

A few months back, I was playing my favorite Open-World simulation video game and I noticed I was missing one of the most expensive vehicles in my garage. To my amusement, I received a confession that my car had been replaced by a much more affordable and lackluster vehicle earlier ...

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Hidden Horror - Lifting up the Rock

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 22, 2020

On our last Quackcast I had a realization about one of the recurring elements that shows up in a lot of horror I like.

It's the hidden nature of horror. When someone, or something, appears normal or even extra sweet or appealing, but hides nasty stuff beneath.

It's ...

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Horror - Immersion and the Slow Burn

Banes at 12:00AM, Oct. 15, 2020

I just started the Netflix series called “The Hanting of Bly Manor”.

It's hard to say how it's going to turn out in the end, since I'm just at the beginning. But overall so far, I'm enjoying the thing. There are many unanswered questions already, and ...

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Happy Endings

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 3, 2020

Who doesn't love a happy ending?

Eh, there are a good few people I've met that just turn their noses up at happy endings, because apparently according to their opinion, happy endings are for the weak.

But for all other normal people, a happy ending is a good ...

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The Non-Arc Arc

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 10, 2020

I have been a fan of the writer Peter David for many years. After being away from comics for some years, I discovered his run on the Hulk, and also found his work on the Star Trek novels. He was the best writer for those, for my taste anyway. There ...

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The Importance of Plot

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 18, 2020

I have this gig where I make summaries for new books that come out- a shortcut, if you like, for those who want to appear bookish without actually reading the damn thing. Or perhaps they are just looking to see if the actual book is worth their time.

This book ...

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Stuff About Stuff

Banes at 12:00AM, July 9, 2020

I've watched Mr. Plinkett's reviews of the Star Wars Prequels 3 times. Saw the movies once.

An obscure horror movie was recommended to me and I hunted it down to watch it - it was a great hidden gem for a horror fan like me. A few really effective ...

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