Thursday's featured comic is Dark Rising!

skoolmunkee at 4:25PM, May 29, 2008

In the void of space, humanity explores looking for life and trying to charter new worlds. Don't believe everything you've seen on Star Trek. What's out there waiting in the dark abyss of space doesn't want to be found. With stunning art work and lighting sloo ...

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New Creator Interview is up! mina_lunga of Gnoph!

skoolmunkee at 4:36AM, March 17, 2008

New Creator Interview is up! mina_lunga of Gnoph!

Where we talk about monstrous parasites and also fantasy worlds. Please not that monstrous parasites are NOT necessarily fantasy, some pretty disgusting parasites are out there. Like that one that becomes a fish tongue, ew.

Too much exposition is the bane of ...

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Man why it rainin so much lately

skoolmunkee at 1:39AM, Jan. 15, 2008

I'm hijacking this newspost to make my announcements first! Because I can.

Firstly, we've had a bit more trouble lately filling 3 featured comics spots a week. I'm not saying the good comics aren't there any more, I'm just saying we've been pretty busy ...

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Skoolmunkee didn't want to post this stuff :(

SpANG at 6:16AM, Nov. 19, 2007

Ah, I'm just kidding! She probably just overlooked it!

Passing the 500 page milestone today is shaneronzio's CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS story that can only be seen the Drunk duck! Congrats!

Fenn announces that The Wrong Hero will be hitting 25 pages on this coming Wednesday the 21st. Yay ...

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The news just keeps a comin'

SpANG at 12:11PM, Oct. 28, 2007

Hey, fellow Duckers! As a reminder, skoolmunkee is off for a few weeks and Black Kitty is a little busy with her moving and school. So, please keep sending your news to ozoneocean and me, SpANG, for now. Thanks!

And now, some milestones and other news in the world of ...

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Pack your bags! You're going to school!

Black_Kitty at 11:26PM, Oct. 7, 2007

Alright class settle down! It is time to begin today's lesson: DrunkDuck news!

First of all, those of you who were part of the original list of contributors for the third DrunkDuck anthology! Please PQ me as soon as possible. Some of you already did and I should have ...

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Attention attention!

Black_Kitty at 4:48PM, Sept. 27, 2007


Please send me a PQ if you are still alive and interested. :) Thank you.


Stickman and Cube have reached the 50th comic milestone!

Meanwhile this Saturday, CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS will reach a most delicious 450th milestone!

Remember if you have news you ...

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Too much news! Must... post... faster!

skoolmunkee at 2:53PM, Aug. 6, 2007

Guess who has a book out? Why, eyesoftheblackk's Biginbopper the Junior Mint of course! You can order the book at Lulu!

LowResAtari's milestone gets to come first because I say so! Mixed Bags Comics is 600 and as a special update, LowResAtari did a Flash poetry reading. :3 ...

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Comic Book Challenge!

skoolmunkee at 11:54PM, June 20, 2007

The top 50 Comic Book Challenge entries have been announced! Are you on the list? We've got a couple of longtime DDers who have made it into the first round! (comic listed is the one they're known for on DD, not the one they submitted to the contest ...

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Saturday Afternoon News!

Black_Kitty at 11:27AM, May 5, 2007

Oooh boy am I late with the news. I plead “life so busy” your honour!

If I missed anyone, I do apologize. Ever since the new profiles came out, I've gotten a lot of PQs and sometimes the news will get crushed. If I missed you, PQ me again ...

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