kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 13, 2013

Lydia Mason lives with her older sister in an old, dilapidated apartment building in the inner city. Their skewed relationship could stem from Lydia's constant rebellion and her sister's role as the sole caregiver in her life. Her bedroom–consisting of clothes strewn across the floor, used chopsticks ...

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NEWSPOST - Help the 2013 DD Awards Finish Strong!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Nov. 11, 2013

Hello Quackers, Ducklings, and other Inebriated Breeds of Waterfowl:

Happy Veteran's Day to those in the United States and Happy Remembrance Day for those in Canada!

It is the heart of the Autumn Season, which means we will be trading our pumpkin spiced lattes for egg nog really soon ...

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Musical Chairs!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 4, 2013

Heeya People!
The BIG news today is that we will have a new person doing the features!
You may or may not be familiar with kawaiidaigakusei.
She actually shows up in Quackcast 139!.

From now on kawaiidaigakusei and I will be doing the weekly features, alternating. Skoolmunkee is retiring from ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 31, 2013

Tiziana is a very independent spirit! She's a tough little girl living in a far future world of hovercars and robots, going to school in a hoverbus, playing murderball with her classmates… She's small but hardy and definitely a tom-boy! Never happier than when she's fighting ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 132 - An Interview with Pinky TA

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 9, 2013


Ozoneocean has an interview with his OWN webcomic character! The fabulous Pinky of Pinky TA comes to life for reals and submits to interrogation from her creator… The fourth wall is smashed wide open for this one as Ozoneocean tries to uncover the secret of Pinky's real ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 130 - The art of comicbook movies

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 25, 2013


Banes and I talk about some of our fave comic book movies! That is, comics that have made the creative transition to the medium of film. We missed out a LOT but what can you do? It's a popular field. We discuss many modern superhero comicbook films ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 128 - Ozone and Banes Print Comic origins

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 4, 2013


Like Quackcast 127, 128 is about early print comic influences, except this time it's the influences of Banes and Ozoneocean. We have a good long chat together about some of the old print comics that had the biggest influences on us in our early days of comic ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> The Adventures of Alec Immortal

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 15, 2013

The Adventures of Alec Immortal is about a crazy, headstrong, some might say “belligerent” young lady. Nothing will get in the way of what she wants to do, no matter who gets in the way or gets hurt. This is an entertaining comedy comic. It's very stylised and cartoonish ...

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Ozoneocean at 11:54AM, May 11, 2013

You CAN now upload new comic pages to the site!

The problem has been fixed! Go forth and update your comics! Rejoice rejoice!!!!!

It was an issue with the image server, but it was a little more tricky than fist suspected, NOT a bug with the site coding though I ...

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Episode 124 - 60 Challenges in 60 Minutes

skoolmunkee at 12:05AM, May 7, 2013

With ozoneocean away having fun this week, it falls to Banes and skoolmunkee to pick up the slack! Our chosen topic is “Challenges” - those longer-term thematic projects you see around, meant to get you off your drawing/writing duff and doing stuff that makes you better. They can be fun ...

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