Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 7, 2023

Brave young Illias is a rival with the arrogant Sabdril for the love of Lillith, a powerful young wizard… But his romantic ambitions don't seem to be going anywhere and besides, these magic students have other things on their minds at the moment! Graduation is just around the corner ...

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Quackcast 638 - Rookie Mistakes

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 6, 2023

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Beginners at webcomics make mistakes, rookie mistakes. In fact people tend to make a lot of the same mistakes and we're going to chat about some ...

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Panel By Panel: Kingdom of Cats and the Boundary Break

hpkomic at 1:23PM, June 2, 2023

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. We return to our regularly scheduled program this week, where I find interesting panels and wax philosophical about them. Previously we did a scavenger hunt which was a lot of fun, but we ...

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Quackcast 637 - Rumours

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 30, 2023

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Listen on Stitcher ​​- https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/drunkduck-quackcast
Or TuneinRadio - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Books–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

Rumours can be damaging stories deliberately spread to harm people, they can grow organically of their own accord. Salacious rumours replace truth and stick around in history ...

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Character Analysis: Levana from Vampire Girl

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 27, 2023

It’s been quite a bit since I last made a character deep dive, but since I got a bit more time on my hands, here we are! Today’s Character Analysis is about Levana from Vampire Girl by Marie Kerns and J_Scarbrough!

So, first things first! Vampire Girl is ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, May 25, 2023

It never really occurred to me how many of our heroes are orphans.

Superman was the last survivor of a planet that perished. He was adopted by loving Earth parents, but he's one of the iconic orphans in fiction.

His counterpart Batman, of course, lost his parents at an ...

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Quackcast 636 - The Cusscast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 23, 2023

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Listen on Stitcher ​​- https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/drunkduck-quackcast
Or TuneinRadio - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Books–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

We're talking about swearing! Swearing in comics, types of swearing, the use of swearing, causing offense, taking offense, swearing used as a term of endearment, and ...

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Panel By Panel: Our First Scavenger Hunt (The Results!)

hpkomic at 11:43AM, May 19, 2023

Hello everyone, and welcome to Panel by Panel, a periodic exploration of comic panels around The Duck. This week we are checking in with the scavenger hunt launch in the last post, where I asked you to find specific examples of a panel in your work, and we have some ...

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Wrapping Up

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 13, 2023

So as some might know, my 12+ year-old webcomic Without Moonlight is about to end!

Ok well its first volume is about to end. I have probably something like 3 more volumes to go.

If I live long enough

Still though, it is basically one book done, and it does ...

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Quackcast 634 - Boomer-myth

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, May 9, 2023

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Listen on Stitcher ​​- https://www.stitcher.com/podcast/drunkduck-quackcast
Or TuneinRadio - https://tunein.com/podcasts/Books–Literature/Drunkduck-Quackcast-p1150194/

Generational tensions are a cultural constant. It's popular to pick on the young and say they're lazy, irresponsible, stupid, changing things in silly ways etc ...

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