Breaking Eggshells

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 12, 2021

Silencing unpopular ideas, famous individuals with a large platform, and entire thought processes has been on the rise. Last week, forty-two episodes went missing from a well-known podcast’s archive leaving several listeners wondering why the episodes were removed.

Popular podcasts are a media form that carry a lot of ...

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Horror is in the Eye of the... Beholder?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, April 11, 2021

See what I did there? It’s an image of a Beholder… which normally has one giant eye right in the center of their face/body and the article is titled HORROR (the Beholder is scary looking) is in the EYE of the BEHOLDER? Yeah? No? Ok…

Seriously tho,


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FEATURED COMIC --> Hierarchy

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 7, 2021

Deep in the middle section of Platina is Los Endoxus. Here resides Ashley, a pink-haired fighting femme fatal who is unwilling to let others walk all over her, and she is unafraid to knock the wind out of anyone who comes too close. She is joined by her main partner-in-crime ...

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Who Are Your Characters?

damehelsing at 12:00AM, March 28, 2021

This might be a simple question, but I think it’s much deeper than most think.

Characters, whether they’re our own or not, have an origin, have traits, personalities, ideas, morals and goals. Each one is different and all of them share a similarity: their creator.

We can all ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> PleaseRewind

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 24, 2021

Please Rewind is named after the obsolete phenomenon of rewinding the tape of a VHS cassette before returning it to a video store. This comic is centered around a team of employees who recently acquired a video store. Pop cultural movie references from the 2000s, Aliens, Blockbuster Video, and World ...

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Archetypes Through a Psych Lens: Temperament

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 13, 2021

According to the theory, you are born with a temperament. Its manifestation occurs soon after birth, and it is based in biological configurations you have, such as your tolerance or intolerance to stimulations, your sensitivity to noxious stimuli such as noise, and a range of other things.

As a baby ...

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Cartooning With Banes - Focal Points, Characters and some such stuff like that

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 28, 2021

An advantage of comics as a medium is to be able to use still images to tell the story, and create an impression or feeling in the reader that runs deeper than words can do. Or at least, the images can strengthen the experience and make something people hopefully get ...

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A face you love to hate

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 22, 2021

The villain is a counter balance to the protagonist and it is their role to push the protagonist into action and, with any luck, do it in an entertaining way. If there is one type of character that knows how to hold an audience’s attention is a villain you ...

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I Spent Winter Break Playing that Futuristic Game that Takes Place in the Year 2077

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 11, 2021

Last month, I bit the bullet and downloaded the simulation video game that is at the center of much controversy at the moment because of its performance on older generation console systems. The game in question is Cyberpunk 2077, a game that takes place fifty-seven years in the future where ...

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