Comic Book Challenge and Milestones

skoolmunkee at 4:26AM, Aug. 13, 2008

Remember Surfboards and Rayguns? Remember the Comic Book Challenge? Let's hope so because Surfboards and Rayguns is now in the Comic Book Challenge's Top Ten! The Top Ten are now open to voting and there are video pitches of the creators, including Bradleyo!

Personally I'm quite proud ...

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Nominations for DD Awards 2008 are underway- hurry though, ends soon!

skoolmunkee at 5:43AM, Aug. 6, 2008

Hey all! The DD Awards are happening again this year (thanks to user Amanda) and NOW is the time to nominate the comics you would like to see win something! Nominated comics will be sorted, and the top-nominated ones will go on to general voting, so the more nominations the ...

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More stuff!

skoolmunkee at 10:10AM, Dec. 6, 2007

I have teemed up with a writer friend of mine to make a comic submission to and surprise we got selected to compete in the December contest. The comic is called Avast Ye. It’s the story of two computer techs that give up their ...

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I also am a late cat, or monkey, or something

skoolmunkee at 3:21PM, Aug. 2, 2007

Volte tells me he fixed whatever it was that was causing all those annoying random bugs with images and updates and so forth. So if you were trying before, please try again! We have sort of a news backlog so pardon me if I make this quick (also I am ...

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I am late cat D:

Black_Kitty at 12:18AM, July 31, 2007

I am late with the news. :( But before I start, I just want to thank everyone who PQed me with kind words and thoughts. I really appreciated them, they helped me so much (in ways that I don't think I will ever be able to fully explain in words ...

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The day after April Fool's newspost

skoolmunkee at 4:30AM, April 2, 2007

Black Kitty: Like a theft in the night I sneak in! But unlike a theft, I'm adding news instead of taking them away~ Well. Kinda.

Featured Comics Info!

Some people missed the earlier announcement so I'll just recap it here - we lost a few previously-featured comics out of ...

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Like the Juggernaut, the news keeps on coming

skoolmunkee at 4:01AM, June 23, 2006

Comic Announcements!

Yami No Tainai is 600 comics old! Holy cow that's a big number!

Rick and Daphne (comic is Adult/18+) is undergoing a “remake” phase where Akakios is going to redo (or something) the first 43 pages of his comic!

Revenger's Tradgedy has finished its first ...

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Exciting contest!

Volte6 at 9:15AM, June 21, 2006

Dear Drunk Duck comics’ creators,

My friends at Platinum Studios are holding a very cool contest for best new comic. The winner not only gets to have their comic published in print, but also possibly developed into a movie or TV show!

You submit your idea and some art at ...

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Another day, another dollar

skoolmunkee at 11:34AM, June 12, 2006

The Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards finalists have been announced in their forum so take a few minutes to head over and check the list out! I'm a bit fuzzy on the rules, but I think if you are a writer/artist of a webcomic you can register to vote ...

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Ice-T is a reputable actor

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, May 15, 2006


The Quack!

You heard me.

Also, the Web Cartoonists' Choice Awards starts its nominations round today-ish!

Anyone with an online comic is eligible to participate, but there are some restrictions as noted in the procedures and rules documentation. However, there is no restriction on which comics can ...

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