The Drunk Duck Evening News

skoolmunkee at 5:50PM, Feb. 24, 2010

In tonight's top story, God of Destruction by Elanor Pam will reach 225 pages this Thursday! Gale force winds and potential tsunamis are predicted.

In our “warms yer guddam heart, don't it?” section, we have a special message from PIT_FACE:

Putrid Meat milstone! I've got my ...

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OK- The site should be working again. No more vanishing stuff? Also, MAFIAAAAAAA

skoolmunkee at 3:12PM, Feb. 17, 2010

It was, as we suspected, related to the server changes going on. They were trying to turn off the old database, but things here and there were still referencing the old server. So, while the servers re-synched, brief timespans of changes weren't saved. Platinum has been very apologetic and ...

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The disappearing reappearing newspost

skoolmunkee at 1:12AM, Feb. 15, 2010

What's up folks? I'm not sure if this newspost will stick around, the one I made last night has vanished. :] Much like what happened Saturday night for some people, who uploaded pages which have now vanished! (So- check your comics if you uploaded a page on Saturday to ...

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Belated newspost- and don't forget to check out Thursday's FEATURE!

skoolmunkee at 1:55AM, Feb. 12, 2010

I have no excuse for not doing this Wednesday afternoon, except that I forgot. :[ I have to write things in my calendar to remember to do them, how sad is that? I should have your pity, not your wrath!

Kind masters, please accept my humble if late efforts!


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Super gigantic newspost coming to destroy your city, news at 11

skoolmunkee at 5:15AM, Feb. 7, 2010

Hellooooooooooo! It's a long one this time around, because I didn't manage to get an earlier newspost done this week. It's been pretty busy for me but things are a little slower now. Much thanks to Oz who picked up my slack (especially during the stuff after ...

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I guess I should make a newspost!

skoolmunkee at 3:59PM, Jan. 31, 2010

Guess what! Last week, Carnies turned 25 pages old! “25 pages without filler” that is. :]

Guess what other comic reached 25 pages last week! Kombat Kubs, by Wordweaver_three and harkovast!

I guess I should announce that Urban Legends Sketchbook by Legend Comics has also reached 25 pages!

You'll never ...

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Server move was successful! MAFIA XXII signups! Milestones!

skoolmunkee at 3:29AM, Jan. 27, 2010

Sorry this newspost is a little late- I couldn't do it Sunday because of the site freeze, and I've been too busy until today…

Speaking of the site freeze, I am told that everything copied over without a hitch! Of course, there have been a few things here ...

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Lots of milestones! Oh, and Drunk Duck is getting an on-demand STORE

skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Jan. 20, 2010

harkovast tells me that his (and ifelldownthestairs's) review comic The Webcomic Review Comic On The Web has reached 25 pages! (26 actually.)

Karrel reached 75 *slams fist on table* I demand my stipulated news post *puts fist in a bucket of ice*

WarriorBorn by cyberdog has posted its ...

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Ozoneocean at 11:31PM, Jan. 6, 2010


Faye True Eolande was enjoying a nice trip to the market, looking at al the wonderful things on offer when she happened to meet a character from her past, who brought along all sorts of trouble with him. Whisked away in moments to certain danger, she can't even cry ...

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Thursday feature --> ELSPETH

skoolmunkee at 3:09AM, Dec. 31, 2009

Elspeth is a serious gal. She's a businessorc dealing in weapons, travelling between towns on her lonesome. Life is tough - medieval racism, persistent elves creeping on her, no sympathy for her pet cause even from the people she's trying to help. We get the idea she grew up ...

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