The good and the bad of being a webcomic creator

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Nov. 9, 2018

Quackcast episode 400 is on the horizon and to help celebrate this awesome triple digit of a number, Oz and Banes want to know about your experience of being a webcomic creator and what the DD community means to you! So head on over to check it out!

I found ...

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2018 Drunk Duck Awards Week 2 and The KAMics Milestone

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 22, 2018

The second week of award winners have been announced. Niccea would also like to remind everyone that she will be accepting awards extras through the end of the month. Extras are usually acceptance/ concession speeches or other behind the scenes fun.

Send extras to Niccea here: ...

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A Few Banksy's Short of a Sotheby's

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 8, 2018

Over the last twenty-four hours, the latest story about UK street artist, Banksy, has shown up on my social media newsfeed, in passing conversations, and in text messages. My friends immersed in the art world are talking about as well as my best friend since childhood and my own sister ...

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The DD Awards Begin Monday and DD Wallpaper!

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Oct. 6, 2018

The Annual DD Webcomic Awards are starting on Monday!

There's a lot of exciting things going on, done with Niccea's tireless care!

Already there's an extra page for you to enjoy.

Already, there's a DD Wallpaper of all the nominees (that sent in their image) gathered ...

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Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Sept. 24, 2018

There are days when I am surrounded by plush toys and I look back on days of yesterday that I start to feel like Christopher Robin. Then there are days when I work in a classroom of extraordinary students that bring a different type of energy to the environment that ...

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80 Years of Superman

Banes at 12:00AM, Sept. 13, 2018

2018 marks the 80th birthday of the big guy himself - the OG superhero.

Superman first appeared in Action Comics #1 in 1938.

Actually, there were precursors to Superman. But he popularized and defined the ‘Superhero’ character-type and genre. He was the template for countless characters who came later, with his ...

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Quackast 391 - personality mix group dynamics

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 11, 2018


This Quackcast was based on an idea from Banes. We chat about designing a group of characters with complementary temperaments. In Banes' own words:
“I like the idea of the line between a logical, left brained person and a creative, right brained person, crossed with a spectrum of a ...

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Making Bad Guys Intimidating

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 4, 2018

Every hero goes up against a villain. Every protagonist against an antagonist. This is the main clash that drives your story, any story, forward be it slice of life or epic drama.

One of the elements that can make this driving force compelling, that will make the clash interesting and ...

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Quackcast 380 - Going back, retro style

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 26, 2018


Retro is GOOoooooooooood! Damn good. Don't underestimate the power of retro. Old material and the past is where pure gold hides. Mine that stuff for all it's worth! But it can be overdone and when it is it's like warmed over fish and chips, it becomes ...

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