Awards Business and Quackup #2 Alternate Ending

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 17, 2017

Niccea would like to get this news cycled around:

From the desk of Niccea:

This year's Drunk Duck Awards needs some help. With a newborn in the house, I don't have the time for a full commitment. At the minimum, I would like someone to manage volunteer recruitment ...

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Drawing Attention #2

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 14, 2017
tags: Nepath, newspost

Continuing to expand my knowledge and discover comics on The Duck that I had previously let slip by me, last week I found something amazing. A comic that seems low down in the ranking of it's genre. A comic that has only 10 Likes (including me) at time of ...

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Where's Chuck?

Banes at 12:00AM, July 13, 2017
tags: retcons

Where's Chuck? - Retcons

Hello again!

On the previous Quackcast we talked about retcons - here's that episode if you care to listen:

A retcon is a little tricky to define perfectly, but I guess it boils down to an alteration ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> The Cherub brothers

PIT_FACE at 12:00AM, July 12, 2017

The Cherub Brothers is a panel-a-day comic about two supposed angels- Sun and Zel– told from the perspective of Corey; an everyday kid who observes the kind things the “brothers” do for others, despite their…quirks. Corey’s perspective as he talks to his friends gives the insight an urban ...

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Quackcast 331 - Retconning your work

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 11, 2017


Starwars, Ender's game, Captain America… All these are great examples (or bad ones) of “retcons”. But what IS a “retcon”?
What it means is that you go back and change an established work by adding new information that has the effect of changing it in a small or ...

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Drunk Duck Awards 2017 - Volunteer Sign Ups

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 10, 2017
tags: DD Awards, niccea

Written by Niccea

At this time we need volunteers to start stepping forward to help get this inebriated mallard into the sky.  Here are the two most common positions, what they entail, and how to sign up (different rules for each one.) You can take an as many volunteering duties ...

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Comic queuing! Use the auto-update feature to get popular

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 7, 2017

Page queuing seems to be a feature a lot of people overlook for some reason, especially comics new to this site that want to use us as a mirror; they just do a huge upload dump in one go, which is worse than USELESS for them because after the first ...

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Quackcast 330 - A feature on features!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 4, 2017


Following on from my newspost about features last week, now we have a whole Quackcast on the subject, tell you what features are and how we do them at DD.
Refer to the links bellow to learn about how to get a feature. In this Quackcast Banes and Pitface ...

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The Drunk Duck Awards 2017 (You're Invited)

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 3, 2017

Voting is now open for the 2017 Drunk Duck Awards.

Drunk Duck Awards 2017 Voting Rules

Ballot will be open from July 2, 2017 until July 29th, 2017.

~One ballot per person. (Must have a valid Drunk Duck Account)

~No voting for yourself. (That means comics you work on)

~Drunk ...

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Drawing Attention

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 30, 2017

I am going to be writing an article bi-monthly for The Duck until I either run out of things to say, or more likely, they tell me to stop. I decided that i wanted to focus on comics on the site that in my opinion deserve a little more limelight ...

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