FEATURED COMIC --> Unprecedented Cleanup

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 3, 2019

Dr. Karique Mul has a pretty demanding day job and he has the scars to prove it! But after a long day in the daily grind he still has to listen to the banter of his very talkative, faceless driver. But what happens when residual, freeloading ghosts follow Dr. Mul ...

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#Twitter_Feature: Regarding Dandelions

Tantz_Aerine at 12:03PM, Oct. 14, 2018

This Sunday's #Twitter_Feature is Regarding Dandelions by Kari McElroy!

See the entire feature in this twitter moment, and give it a read!

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The Ultimate List of 2015 Featured Comics

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 11, 2016

Searching for the Featured Comics that are on Drunk Duck's front page every Wednesday are the bread and butter of my week. Most of the time, the work poured into a webcomic project is one of great passion and a lot of time because. The artistic abilities of comic ...

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Quackcast 232 - Creating a Rounded World

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 18, 2015


Hello, hello, hello! This is the second part of our hugely long expose on the tricky art of WORLD BUILDING! And it really IS extra loooooooooooog… that's because we take so much time crafting the Quackcast world for you. To recap: world-building is a big part of ALL ...

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An Analysis of a Polarizing Character

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 10, 2015

It seems that I get into a very opinionated argument whenever the topic of discussion veers toward Neon Genesis Evangelion. Usually it is about how the Evangelion movies are awesome and how the main character is not so awesome. That being said, it has been twenty years since the mid-1990s ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Regarding Dandelions

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 15, 2015

Regarding Dandelions is a graphic novel in the true sense of the phrase! It's the moving and compelling tale of two life long friends and their struggles in adulthood, relationships, adversity and worse. Vibrant red headed Ellie is a lot of fun, but she's not that sure ...

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What do tears, loam, nicotine, cornbread, used books, and putrid meat have in common?

skoolmunkee at 5:41AM, June 18, 2009

Someone has been busy and it's not me! It's these guys:

Temple of a Thousand Tears by trevoramueller has reached 175 pages!

After fighting the Tojin Feria and learning the secret behind the conspiracy committed by the Holy Order of Abraham's new leader, Cardinal Milikin, Sophia ...

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It's thursday news and jelly time, it's thursday news and jelly time

skoolmunkee at 1:08AM, June 11, 2009

Hey all! I've got a lot of news for today- seems like people have been busy! That's a good thing. :]

First up, we've got MAFIA SIGNUPS - this forum game has been a big hit with some people, and it is pretty fun and doesn't take much ...

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I'm not even sure what day it is, I love long vacations! And oh yeah, news

skoolmunkee at 6:51AM, Dec. 30, 2008

In no particular order!

Lacerated Veil by Drasnus is 1 year old!

ghostrunner's Grin-n-Spirit has hit 375!

Safety Man by Signz has reached 100 pages!

NightSSc7's Mayhem: The Comic has just hit 125!

The Temple of a Thousand Tears recently reached it's 150 page milestone! With ...

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I get to go to Ikea today!

skoolmunkee at 1:28AM, Aug. 30, 2007

Also, ARGH how is it almost September ALREADY? What have I done with my year? ;_;


Comic Remix 3.0 results are in! There's a ton of them guys, and they're all awesome! Visit the page to see how Drunk Duckers have interpreted each others' comics ...

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