Hey guys you know what Monday means right?

skoolmunkee at 4:18AM, July 21, 2008

Monday's featured comic is The Necropolis Chronicles!
Jaina's first day at her new boarding school is a drag. No one likes her, and the feeling is mutual. Jaina knows she is different from her schoolmates- but she doesn't quite realize just how different until she's captured ...

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Thursday already? Where did my week go?

skoolmunkee at 1:26AM, June 26, 2008

Thursday's featured comic is How Unfortunate!

Inept police, inept villains… is anyone in How Unfortunate capable of doing their jobs? Let's hope not, because things are pretty funny the way they are. Part cop movie, part Powers, part Naked Gun- read about what happens when a team of ...

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Hey guys I just got a food processor now I can CHOP STUFF chop chop chop

skoolmunkee at 8:43AM, April 28, 2008

Well well, what have we here? I do believe it's more interviews from the Quack With the Ducks project! You really should be reading these, you know- they can all be found in the Interviews forum! They are all pretty awesome so far! (New ones over the weekend: kiandranishan ...

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more community interviews! woo!

skoolmunkee at 3:49AM, April 9, 2008

Two more creator interviews! These are pretty good ones, guys! (Well, they're all pretty good). From Tuesday, we have TheMidge28 ( interviewing Bocaj (Laugh Out Loud Zombies)!

If you could create your own martial art, what would you call it and what would be your one forbidden move which you ...

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Lots of random little news bits today!

skoolmunkee at 11:18AM, Feb. 8, 2008

First of all, an apology for not having a new featured comic up. Something about the new main page design isn't bringing up the comics we've put in, so… I suppose a new comic will be up as soon as it's fixed, or whenever we can pester ...

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Here is a newspost that I have made

skoolmunkee at 1:51PM, Dec. 10, 2007

Hey folks! Just as a reminder about what we'll make newsposts about, check out this forum thread!

The Asylumantics will be posting its 250th page this coming Friday. Also, I've re-released two Asylumantics comic collections just in time for the holidays. Readers can purchase them (and more ...

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I get to go to Ikea today!

skoolmunkee at 1:28AM, Aug. 30, 2007

Also, ARGH how is it almost September ALREADY? What have I done with my year? ;_;


Comic Remix 3.0 results are in! There's a ton of them guys, and they're all awesome! Visit the page to see how Drunk Duckers have interpreted each others' comics ...

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Gaaah more news already?!

skoolmunkee at 1:36PM, June 8, 2007

Hey guys! The Drunk Duck Beauty Contest is winding down and there are a ton of fun entries to look at, and a big need for VOTERS! So please quickly head on over to the Beauty Pageant, start gawking at the lovely lads and ladies, and get your votes in ...

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