The lead character of this comic is called Micki Morris… a name strangely similar to my OWN! But there the similarities end. Micki is a Pink haired, fun-loving gal with some trouble on her hands. Bandits stole her stuff, her ship sunk and she has no idea where she is ...
San Diego, DWEX Auction, Mafia, Air Raid Robertson interview, B.U.G., Shades ending, and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 11:30AM, July 11, 2010Comic-Con Stuff!
You may recall from previous newsposts that Wowio will be at San Deigo Comiccon, and want DDers to get involved too! They want to know: Who else will be there, what kind of things they can do in their Friday night promo tent, and want to show your ...
I'm a Sunday night rock star, hellllooooo drunkduck
skoolmunkee at 3:20PM, June 20, 2010OK- I am back from my work trip! So it's OK to send news to me again. I won't be going anywhere until Christmas, I hope- I'm really tired of travelling. Sure, it sounds nice to take day, overnight, or longer trips to places- but it gets ...
TD/DD High, Mafia XXIX, and milestones, you are all so ungrateful! >:[
skoolmunkee at 10:52AM, June 9, 2010How about that great newspost Oz made earlier today, huh? :] I couldn't have made it sound that exciting.
Also I'll be gone next week, so I won't be doing a newspost mid-week, though I should be able to do newsposts on the two Sundays- but if you ...