QUACKCAST Episode 91 - The Quack Always Casts Twice, 2012 DD radio play

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 21, 2012


Banes introduces the 2012 DD radio play! Maxwell McDuff must face his most diabolical trial yet in… THE DUCK ALWAYS QUACKS TWICE! He's joined by many other notable and fiendish characters in this new and epic adventure involving anvils, Maltese quails, crocodiles, and terrifying torture!
This fine ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 63 - Working for a living

Ozoneocean at 10:15AM, Feb. 7, 2012


Dressed in a long, tight fitting sparkly black evening gown and elbow length opera gloves, the lovely Skoolmunkee dashes from the scene of the murder of poor Banes to arrive breathless on the Quackcast set and establish her alibi! This week we talk about what us amateur webcomic artists ...

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QUACKCAST Episode - 55 Genres revisited

Ozoneocean at 8:55AM, Dec. 13, 2011


My attractive assistant Skoolmunkee agreed to another guest appearance in order to re-adress this topic.
I asked people about their favourite webcomic genres, why they like them and what makes them so cool and interesting, whether it's the genre they like to read or create in. The genres ...

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Introducing the Community Spotlight, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 5:00AM, Aug. 24, 2011

Hello everbody!

It's hard to think of anyone who has thrown themselves into the site more than Genejoke. He's only been here a year and a few months (and said he was new to making comics), but he's already got 9 comics: some his own, some where ...

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List of issues fixed 7-27-11

srhdt at 1:30PM, July 27, 2011

Hey everyone,

Just a quick update on some of the big issues still outstanding on the site before we get to the list. We're still working on fixing the image compression issue. ALL comics on the site will be fixed eventually, it's just a matter of running through ...

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It's a news party! Many milestones, and Shades is finally in print!

skoolmunkee at 12:11PM, Feb. 16, 2011

Are you getting your Drunk Duck news delivered to your door? Use that link to get Drunk Duck's RSS feed! Get updates right away about the newest featured comics, quackcasts, and site news like contests and milestones!

Androo's comic Good Guy hit 250 pages recently! He's also ...

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Update on site issues over the past few days

srhdt at 9:55AM, Jan. 21, 2011

Hi everyone!

First off, I want to thank you guys again for your patience over the past week, as we've worked to get DrunkDuck onto a new server. Most of the major issues should be fixed at this point (loading, logouts, missing avatars). We're aware that some minor ...

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DrunkDuck back up post-migration, additional issues being worked on

srhdt at 9:57AM, Jan. 17, 2011

Hi everyone.

So the site is back up and on a new server, but obviously the move has created additional bug issues, many of which we're aware of and are working quickly to resolve. Anyone who runs across a problem on the site, please post it here

http://www ...

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Ozoneocean at 8:53AM, Dec. 23, 2010

Poor Sam… She's a bit of a scruffy gal, but she's got a good heart. Why can't she get a girlfriend (who isn't insane)? You see, Sam's… *ahem* “ladyparts” are rather too loquacious! It has an opinion on EVERYTHING, and most of all it doesn ...

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UPDATE: Issues on DD Over the Past Few Days and Where We Are Currently

srhdt at 8:55AM, Nov. 4, 2010

If any of you users notice additional bugs on the site, feel free to let me know in the forums here or PQ me.

Hi everyone,

As you're all probably very well aware by now, we have been experiencing major site issues on the Duck over the past ...

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