Milestones and reminders ahoy!

skoolmunkee at 1:36AM, Nov. 17, 2006

A few days ago, Children at Play hit its 50th update! On top of that, kingofsnake's announcing a contest wherin if you send in a picture of yourself you win a chance to have a character model drawn based on you that will be a reoccurring background character from ...

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Midnight snack news~

Black_Kitty at 11:13PM, Sept. 15, 2006

Because I am so creative with my post title! :D 8-10 hour school days could do that to you.

Just a few quick news articles! Allyn private messaged me a while back to tell me about a contest for her webcomic Tomb of the King! If you're interested in ...

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What, Monday AGAIN?

skoolmunkee at 4:18AM, May 8, 2006

nsom at New Secret of Mana has found his life too busy and turbulent at the moment to update his comic as regularly as he wants. Therefore he is (very nicely) requesting guest comics, be they drawn, sprite, etc, so long as they have to do with The Secret of ...

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Here I Am With Another News Post With News

skoolmunkee at 5:01AM, April 6, 2006

Some brief comic announcements:

The comic Life & Death is going to hit its 200th update on April 10th. Supposedly, there is something bigger than usual planned to commemmorate the milestone. :) Head over next Monday to have a look!

Rick and Daphne is one year old! I think in dog years ...

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