Another interview is up! I told you, we've got lots of them, and you'll be getting them twice a week while they are still going on. :] Today it's Lilac interviewing Avilo of Animosity Sonata. It's also quite clear that these two had far too much fun ...
Boy have I got a heaving sackful of moist news for you!
skoolmunkee at 4:26AM, Aug. 20, 2009Startin' your week with news- milestones and a new interview!
skoolmunkee at 12:39AM, Aug. 17, 2009
New DD member interview is UP! subs interviews elektro of Negligence and others! (Don't forget there are lots of other new interviews in the Interview Forum just waiting to be read!)
Chernobog's Arachnid Goddess has hit 200 pages! He's taking a small break til the 24th, but ...
Just a lil' Saturday news to snack on
skoolmunkee at 2:41AM, Aug. 15, 2009
On Friday, Hainted's Hainted Holler hit 25 pages! He adds, “I'm also trying out new things with my art and format sizes.As soon as I burn through my buffer pages people will start to see a lot of changes with the strip.”
The Drunk Duck Mafia Comic ...
Loads of news today, a little bit of everything! Signups, too!
skoolmunkee at 1:44AM, Aug. 10, 2009Lots of stuff today so listen up!
First up we've got community stuffs:
FUSION SIGNUPS TIME! This is a fun, easy way to get into a community project without a lot of work! The Fusion is kind of a ‘game’ where the first person makes a panel, passes it ...
DD Awards- finalists announced! A new interview is up! Publishing and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 2:24AM, Aug. 5, 2009
The DD Awards are underway! The popular-vote nominations are in, and you can see the finalists here! Congrats to everyone who snagged a nom, and good luck! Special thanks to amanda and JustNoPoint who have put a lot of time and effort into running this thing… their work isn't ...
What's better than news on a rainy day?
skoolmunkee at 2:54AM, Aug. 1, 2009
Karen the Marilith by Azaeziel (which I thought I put in Wednesday's newspost but seems not to have made it somehow) has reached 175! Sorry about the mix up, you have my most abject and humble apologies. Which maybe is not saying much because I'm just not an ...
Milestones of all shapes and sizes, and a great new interview!
skoolmunkee at 3:17AM, July 29, 2009
Stickfodder sent me this last week but I accidentally deleted it- sorry! (It's all good though because he sent it again.) STICKFODDER reached 200 sticky comics yesterday, which was its 1 year anniversary to boot!
A very belated congrats to Hunchdebunch, whose comic The Door reached 25 pages some ...
and a little news to round things off
skoolmunkee at 5:34AM, July 27, 2009Hello folks! Nice day, isn't it?
Lots of interviews lately! Harkovast, How Unforunate, A Loonatic's Tale, Interdimensional Transfer Student Erro - all great chats with your fellow DD creators and worth a look! There's at least one more on the way this week….
Graphictruth's 23 will reach ...