Has there been a lot of news this week or what? (No deaths in this newspost)

skoolmunkee at 1:17AM, June 29, 2009

It's been awhile, but I wanted to drop a line and let you know that “Top of the Heap,” which debuted on the Duck last November, is now a printed book available from my publisher, Terminal Press.

The story follows a group of circus animals stranded in the ...

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It's thursday news and jelly time, it's thursday news and jelly time

skoolmunkee at 1:08AM, June 11, 2009

Hey all! I've got a lot of news for today- seems like people have been busy! That's a good thing. :]

First up, we've got MAFIA SIGNUPS - this forum game has been a big hit with some people, and it is pretty fun and doesn't take much ...

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Uh, interviews? And some monday milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:23PM, April 20, 2009

First up, I'm still waiting to hear any kind of peep from the people on the current round of the Interview Project - your assignments went out 2 weeks ago. I guess no one is going to do them? :[ Unless somehow mysteriously no one got their PQs… which I guess ...

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Thursday's feature ----> Novusgenesis Hype!!

Ozoneocean at 10:04PM, Jan. 21, 2009

Humanity fights its last global war to decide which evolutionary road it will follow… Darkness or Light. And a mysterious woman will become the new messiah! Novusgenesis Hype is an awesome future war Sci-Fi action comic featuring battle scenes, funky mecha, wry humour and one of the sexiest heroines on ...

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Saturday night's all right for fightin'

skoolmunkee at 2:13PM, Dec. 6, 2008

Saturday night's all right for fightin'

And if you don't like fightin', there's always news! (I prefer fightin', myself)

Featuring Talking Guinea Pigs (you will have to visit to see if it delivers on its promises) turns 50 on Monday!

Also turning 50 is notmarkflynn's Some ...

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Monday's featured comic is Sophia Awakening!

skoolmunkee at 3:03AM, Oct. 6, 2008

Monday's featured comic is Sophia Awakening!

In the future, AI technology has been cracked and there are a number of projects underway… including the mysterious Sophia, who is currently in danger as her lab and its scientists are under seige from a group of soldiers who want to stop ...

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several bugs happening on DD since the server move (updated)

skoolmunkee at 2:00PM, Sept. 24, 2008

This is the email I've just sent to Platinum, asking them to fix:

(Unfortunately, I don't have a workaround for any of these problems. Sorry…)

1. PQ inboxes - at some point they seem to had been reset to 0, regardless of how many PQs were in them. This ...

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Monday's featured comic is Awakenings!

skoolmunkee at 3:52AM, July 28, 2008

In the relatively near future, a policeman agrees to assit on a difficult and disturbing case, chasing a brutal criminal that has eluded him before. But how does this lead to him murdering his own son…? Professional level art will draw you in, but the compelling story will make you ...

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Happy June!

skoolmunkee at 11:49PM, June 1, 2008

Today's featured comic is Two Rooks!

In a world divided by disease and ruled absolutely, a handful of people remain rebellious. A man named Deatoura is contacted (in the men's room) by the Queen of Hearts- she wants him to kill the president, a man he inadvertently put ...

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more community interviews! woo!

skoolmunkee at 3:49AM, April 9, 2008

Two more creator interviews! These are pretty good ones, guys! (Well, they're all pretty good). From Tuesday, we have TheMidge28 ( interviewing Bocaj (Laugh Out Loud Zombies)!

If you could create your own martial art, what would you call it and what would be your one forbidden move which you ...

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