tonight we make history

skoolmunkee at 12:42PM, April 18, 2008

Hi all! There's lots of things popping up lately in the thusly I think they're limiting the number of copies sold through the interweb. So hurry hurry hurry and buy up what they got; it'll make me look ...

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At the tone the time will be (insert your time here) boooop

DD_Management at 12:22AM, April 10, 2008

Today's featured comic is Tomb of the King!
Zair has been set a mysterious and difficult mission by his lord. The trek is made more difficult by Lexus, the naive scholar Zair must take with him to translate the ancient language that will guide them. While lost in the ...

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In this newspost we got some community stuff going on!

skoolmunkee at 3:50AM, April 9, 2008

First of all though, I want to say sorry there's not a featured comic today. I approved it on time and everything but uh… maybe the script doesn't run on Wednesdays for some reason? Anyway :[ I can't do anything about it so I'll just have to ...

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Bask in the glamour and attraction of the Thursday newspost!

skoolmunkee at 7:11AM, April 3, 2008

Sub-Standard Comics by OrionPax6 (how many comics are out there with self-depreciating names like that? Come on guys, comics are awesome!) has reached 175 pages! Wooo!

HalJones has a comic named Beyond Human and it has reached 75 pages today! It's great, check it out!

The Uncanny Uper Dave ...

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Start your Monday with milestones, contests, and comics in print!

skoolmunkee at 1:42AM, March 31, 2008

Hefs Adventures by Hefaistus has reached 25 comics! Congrats, and keep at it!

Mizukane says that Story of a Robot has reached 100 pages! Check it out!

Also reaching 100 pages is MAG-ISA by kyupol!

GUYS!!! Aussie_Kid would like everyone to know that the second issue of Fowl Play is ...

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skoolmunkee at 2:55AM, March 27, 2008

Did I say nudes? I meant, news. Gotcha!

Hyperactive Comics is turning the big 175! If it were a person it would totally be dead by now! But it isn't, so uh… it's not dead.

Wings of a God by RDraconis has reached 25 pages!

spacehamster's Bulletproof ...

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You know what sounds good right now? Chinese food. Mmmm

skoolmunkee at 2:17PM, March 24, 2008

I hope everyone had a nice weekend, whether they celebrated a holiday or not!

Brainfuzz is technically last Friday's featured comic, but since it didn't show up on the main page til today, I'll just leave it up and continue as normal on Wednesday. :) Here's its ...

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What ho, gentle readers!

skoolmunkee at 3:51AM, March 21, 2008

I say old chums and chumettes! I dare say I have got some tid-bits of information which you mayest be interested in! Like a good gentle-lady I shall no longer continue to withhold, but will tell you forthwith!

Darlings, you mustn't forget that we've a new interview up ...

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If only I had a million dollars...

skoolmunkee at 12:35PM, March 8, 2008

Lots of people lately wanting artists, writers, spriters, colorists, etc over in Networking and Community this week! You might want to swing by to see if you're interested!

Wazaga tells me that the results of her contest for Ever Hollow are in, you can view them here!

Lots of ...

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Comic news!

skoolmunkee at 12:09AM, March 3, 2008

crifmer's Posted has just hit 25 comics! He'd like to thank all the people still reading. :)

The very cool by TheMidge28 will post its 50th page tomorrow!

Also turning 50 this week is Pokemon Sinnoh Surfer by Walrus! The 50th comic will start out as the first page ...

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