Quackcast 240 - The Vampcast - Costumecast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 13, 2015


Happy October, the month of Halloween! For this quackcast we had Tantz Aerine and Pitface along and we did the entire thing full dressed in costume WHILE vidcasting, which was very distracting. We got a few minutes and iffy quality video of the event too. Unfortunately I'm not ...

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JNP's deals o'rama!

JustNoPoint at 12:00AM, July 10, 2015

Right now you can get Clip Studio Paint for only $15!!! It's a very limited time sale.
You can get the EX version for $87. This program is made specifically for making comics. I have used it since Manga Studio 3 when I debuted Devon Legacy here in 2006 ...

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Fan Service in Comics

HippieVan at 12:00AM, June 26, 2015

This post was inspired ozoneocean's forum thread about sexism, as well as a recent update by JustNoPoint. (Quick note: none of my comments about fan service are directed at JNP's work! It was just his joking about fan service that had me thinking about it.)

“Fan service” can ...

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Project Wonderful, Drunk Duck Awards and the Drunk Duck Fashion Forum!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 18, 2015

In the event that you missed last week's pretty big announcement- EVERYONE now has a chance to get their own ad banners on the front page of Drunk Duck through Project Wonderful! The ads are not limited to the front page as they appear on every page of the ...

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Spring Cleaning!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, March 30, 2015

It is finally Spring in many parts of the world. It is actually Summer in some of the luckier parts and it is still snowing in certain regions (apologies Northeastern United States). Whatever the case, this is the time of year that people like to throw away old stuff and ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Oct. 15, 2014

Grueson, a creature formed from dead tissue, was brought to life by the hands of Frank Broker. Grueson lives a life of privilege and is highly educated even though he had never met his creator. Frank Broker is now dead so the story of Grueson can begin.

The first tale ...

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QUACKCAST 150 - Just No Point, it's all in a name

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 21, 2014


This week we have on JustNoPoint! He was one of the brave souls that helped get DrunkDuck back on its feet again after so long being down! JNP tells us about his millennia spanning comic project focussing on the Devon family, he also tells us about how it ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 141 - The Gullas and Banes are BastardsCast

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 12, 2013


The Gullas and Banes are BastardsCast is brought to you by the Solid Gold Dancers! Check out those costumes… nice! Well now that's over, let's introduce Quackcast 141. Skyfox Kawaiidaigakusei, Master Banes, and Captain Ozone come together to chat about this week's comic feature which ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> The Devon Legacy

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 6, 2013

Have you heard about The Devon Legacy yet? Well now is a great time to get into it! JustNoPoint is just re-doing his series now.
In the Devon Legacy we have a complex story with a lot of history behind it. People have special powers like psychic abilities, they ...

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QUACKCAST Episode 140 - Ducks of future past, episode ZERO

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 5, 2013


Big changes are coming! In this Quackcast we talk about what happened to the duck, what's happening now and what we're trying to make happen in the future. Banes and I chat about all this stuff. Some the most important aspects we mention are the new ...

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