Guess what! We have another interview up! Thanks to everyone who has been checking them out (and especially those who leave a comment/reply) - I think these are far too interesting to miss, myself! Today we've got the indomitiable BlkKnight interviewing trevoramueller of @$$hold and Temple of a Thousand ...
Three Dog here, it's news tiiiime childreeeeen
skoolmunkee at 4:27AM, May 21, 2009Monday news! And more interviews!
skoolmunkee at 12:40AM, May 18, 2009
We have a new Quack with the Ducks interview up this week! There are more coming, but I was hoping by posting them a little futher in between it would encourage more comments (which is the only indication people get that anyone read it)… to be honest no one has ...
You guys are prolific!
skoolmunkee at 9:42AM, May 13, 2009Have I got a bunch of news today! I don't even normally do news on Wednesday, but I figured there was so much that if I waited then I'd have even more…
Be sure not to miss the user interviews that have been posted this week - more are ...
DD interviews, community stuff, and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 1:05AM, May 11, 2009In case you didn't know (I'm guessing most of you don't), the signups for Drunk Duck Fusion XXIII are up! What's the Fusion? People who sign up taking turns drawing a panel - but you only know what happened in the panel just before yours! They need ...
Mafia, interview, and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 9:07AM, May 7, 2009Hey everybody! It's time to sign up for the next round of Mafia! I can't think of anyone who has given this game a try and hated it, so that must mean that if you try it you will like it too! They are changing the rules up ...