I'm hungry

skoolmunkee at 11:58AM, Dec. 13, 2007

maskedmonkey's Random Funny Stuff has hit (and gone past actually) 25 pages!

EtheC by KeiganLee337 has reached its 50th update! Go check it out!

Also at 50 pages is kyupol's MAG-ISA!

Empty Brooke tells me that Demonics has reached its 100th page today! Congrats!

bongotezz also has a ...

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Here is a newspost that I have made

skoolmunkee at 1:51PM, Dec. 10, 2007

Hey folks! Just as a reminder about what we'll make newsposts about, check out this forum thread!

The Asylumantics will be posting its 250th page this coming Friday. Also, I've re-released two Asylumantics comic collections just in time for the holidays. Readers can purchase them (and more ...

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More stuff!

skoolmunkee at 10:10AM, Dec. 6, 2007

I have teemed up with a writer friend of mine to make a comic submission to zudacomics.com and surprise we got selected to compete in the December contest. The comic is called Avast Ye. It’s the story of two computer techs that give up their ...

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The last newspost of November 2007 (probably?)

SpANG at 3:19PM, Nov. 29, 2007

edit: skoolmunkee has added a couple to the end! Be sure to check!

Here are some milestones and announcements for youz guyz!

slimredninja would like to announce the following bit of awesomeness:

Morning Squirtz is back after a long hiatus we are about to post a couple of new ...

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THANKS for GIVING us milestones! \o/

SpANG at 9:56AM, Nov. 22, 2007

If you live in America, then HAPPY THANKSGIVING! If you don't live in America, HAPPY… um, DAY!

Here are some announcements for ya!

martylove tells us that his comic, A Couple of Sandwiches Short of a Picnic (Rated M), hit 25 pages recently! Congrats!

Rusty Knight also informs ...

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Skoolmunkee didn't want to post this stuff :(

SpANG at 6:16AM, Nov. 19, 2007

Ah, I'm just kidding! She probably just overlooked it!

Passing the 500 page milestone today is shaneronzio's CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS story that can only be seen the Drunk duck! Congrats!

Fenn announces that The Wrong Hero will be hitting 25 pages on this coming Wednesday the 21st. Yay ...

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Despite its spelling, "news" does rhyme with "booze"

skoolmunkee at 1:26PM, Nov. 17, 2007

Geez guys, send me a bunch of news why don't you!

Tantz Aerine

I'd like to announce a contest that my publishing house is making of illustrating some scenes from my Art of Veiling book (the scenes can be read online in pdf format) where the first ...

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Hey... YOU! I'm talkin' here!

SpANG at 1:13PM, Nov. 15, 2007

Don't forget that skoolmunkee is back to take your news tidbits, but feel free to send ‘em to me too. I don’t mind doing the occasional newspost either. It gives the impression that I'm actually doing some work! Ha!

Now for some announcements…

oachambers wants to mention ...

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Creator Interview: Fugli of View of Venus!

skoolmunkee at 3:02AM, Nov. 13, 2007

Hey all! I'm back! You can send me your millions of news announcements now! (And if you sent me any before, I deleted all of them, because I announced I wasn't gonna be here and I can't be bothered to check to see if someone else announced ...

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Contests, Lulu.com Printings, Milestones, and Other Cool Announcements!

SpANG at 6:45PM, Nov. 11, 2007

Don't forget about the Fix8 contest!

Okay everyone, check this out…

We're working with a company called Fix8 to put together a freaking awesome contest… here's how it works:

Fix8 has this software that puts a 3d model in place of you when you're on ...

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