FEATURED COMIC --> The History of One Humankind

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Aug. 26, 2020

This is a thinking person’s comic with the history of different world civilizations told in mini-vignettes that space three to four comic pages. The History of One Humankind displays costumes and fashion worn during the era of historical times while using an art style that is similar to Picasso ...

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When The Monster Is Too Good For Angst

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 22, 2020

There's nothing more entertaining than the angst of a monster that was once a human being. A monster that hates who he/she is, that strives to regain all the terrible loss he/she has sustained, to strive to become human again.

Or if it starts off a monster ...

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Assembling your outline

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Aug. 21, 2020

August is coming to an end which means the deadline for the DrunkDuck Horror Anthology of 2020 is fast approaching. When building a house it’s good to get the foundations down; for comics that means creating your outline. This applies to any story regardless of length. As you're ...

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Expies, Fandoms, Disappointment, and Hope

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 20, 2020

don't i know you people from somewhere?

oh yeah!

I realize it's not true of everyone, but there is a good chunk of various fandoms who are not happy with the condition of their favorite franchises these days. We've talked about the Star Wars of it all ...

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Pixar's Rules of Storytelling

Banes at 12:00AM, Aug. 13, 2020

Pixar has had one of the most dedicated story teams in the business. Here are the Pixar rules of storytelling. I find them to be powerful and sensible! If you haven't seen this list before (I hadn't), here they are!

1. You admire a character for trying more ...

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The Drunk Duck Anthology...Oh, the HORROR!!

PIT_FACE at 12:00AM, Aug. 2, 2020

Greetings, Fowl Fiends. It is I, the spectral lamentation known as PIT-FACE!
I have been torn from my lurid sepulcher to inform you dreadful Ducks that your votes have been cast! Behold your ill-fate! The theme for the Drunk Duck anthology is:


That’s right, it’s time to ...

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Choosing Your Genre

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Aug. 1, 2020

For better or for worse, we are creatures of categorizations. We love to label things, and to sort them into neat little boxes so that we are absolutely certain we know what to expect when dealing with each one. It is that sense of familiarity that we are looking for ...

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The Fool Triumphant

Banes at 12:00AM, July 30, 2020

Many stories feature some kind of underdog in the beginning. This is a standard approach to a Protagonist. They may be very capable and bright, but have a lower status or disadvantage of some kind. This helps make them relatable and helps people root for them to win. Most mainstream ...

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Wounded Characters

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, July 25, 2020

There is a reason why in fanfiction archives there's a whole category of stories called “hurt/comfort”, where one of the main characters of a specific IP is injured, and others (usually an unlikely person or whoever the author is shipping with the injured one) have to take care ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, July 23, 2020

Preserving continuity is difficult with any writing project of length - with the weeks, months or more it might take to write a single novel or screenplay, it can be easy to forget things. So the problem is compounded if writing an extended series comic, TV or web series, movies or ...

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