Tune in for the 2015 Drunk Duck Awards!

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Oct. 16, 2015

The 2015 Drunk Duck Awards have officially begun!

The DD Awards are a great way to find new favourites on the site - every comic featured is bound to be pretty darn good! At the same time you can support your existing favourites by cheering on the winners. Discover some of ...

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Summer Breeze, Makes Me Feel Fine

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 8, 2015

I was searching for some seasonal fruits and vegetables during my last trip to the market and ended up buying a personal sized watermelon. That is when I knew that Summer is finally here.

What are your favourite traditional summertime activities? Did you grow up in a family that made ...

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May Historical Fashion Contest WINNERS

HippieVan at 12:00AM, June 5, 2015

As you know, I was overseeing May's DD Fashion Show Contest and chose a historical theme for contestants. After a long period of deliberation, the judges (okay, it's just me) have selected our winners!

BEST HISTORICAL OUTFIT DESIGN - bravo1102's “Russian Tank Lieutenant 1945”

I had a feeling ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, June 4, 2015

Hello, I’m VinoMas, the “friendliest Vampire in the World”!
I want to first thank Ozone, Hippie, and Kawaii for being so instrumental in our first 3 months of the Drunk Duck Fashion Forum! The March Free-For-All Fashion Parade was a huge success with many artists showing some of the ...

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QUACKCAST 212 - Gateway Comics

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 31, 2015


Image by Gunwallace

Tantz Aerine, Pit Face and Abt Nhil join Banes and Ozone to discuss the kinds of comics that are good intros into the medium for people who aren't into them: Gateway comics! You know the sorts of people; “Comics are for kids”, that sort ...

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Mary Sue Contest Submissions

HippieVan at 12:00AM, March 20, 2015

Hilarious image courtesy of Banes! Might have Fonzie introduce all my newsposts from now on.

I only got two submissions for my contest (thanks a bunch, guys :P) so I figured I would just declare both of these awesome participants my winners!**

Submission 1: from KimLuster (click to see larger ...

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Comics for Anti-Comic People

HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 20, 2015

I'm a bit of a comic book proselytizer. When people tell me they don't like comics, I usually take that as a personal challenge. (I have the same reaction when people tell me they don't like cats, but that's another story for another time.) Generally I ...

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The 2015 Drunk Duck Valentine's Day Card Exchange Extravaganza!!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 9, 2015

(click cover image for a printable version of all the cards)

Valentine's Day is this upcoming weekend and to commemorate this most lovely of holidays, a group of Drunk Ducks have come together to bring you the most unique set of Valentine's Day cards. This set is a ...

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QUACKCAST 204 - Talisman returns from exile

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 3, 2015


Art by Barb Myers

Way back in 2012 Ozone interviewed the marvellously talented and professional Barb Myers about her art and her fantastic comics. Well it's 2015 now and Barb has finally been able to put out the whole of her comic “Talisman: Return of the Exile ...

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2015 DD Radio Play: Script Submission Rollout

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 26, 2015

-Original Artwork by Kroatz, full-sized version here.

A Message from Kroatz:

Four writers, each with their own unique tale to tell, are working hard on the DD Radioplay 2015. February fifth, each of them will bring us their best work, and it will be judged by a panel of experts ...

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