No new Quackcast this week so we're going retro.
Sorry guys… 334 didn't record correctly. I only discovered that while editing. Two Quackcasts we'd recorded didn't work, TWO in a row: the spare AND the current one! I don't check them right after I ...
Quackcast 65 - Men and Women in Tights - RETRO
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 1, 2017The Freewheelin' 2015
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Dec. 28, 2015
Two-thousand fifteen started off with Kroatz wishing everyone in the Drunk Duck forums “growth, satisfaction, and purpose, even if it comes with an almost equal amount of suffering and loss.” I do not believe any statement made in this last year comes as close to this to sum up the ...
Quackcast 231 - The importance of world building
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 11, 2015 LISTEN!
You always do a bit of world building in fiction, in some types of stories like alternative histories, fantasy and Sci-Fi you have to do a bit more, in things set in the real world you don't have to do nearly as much - maybe only limited to a ...
"What are you, 5 years old?"
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 20, 2015
The act of sharing artwork online was still a new concept around 2004. Before I joined Drunk Duck, I thought it would be a cool idea to share some of my daily sketches from my first high school art class with the Internet. My initial reasoning was that I could ...
Wanted: One Radioplay Organizer
HippieVan at 12:00AM, May 8, 2015
After having gone a year without a radioplay, Kroatz began organizing a new one for 2015. Unfortunately, he no longer has the time to put the play together and we need someone else (or multiple other people) who'll be able to take over. Two full scripts have already been ...
QUACKCAST 213 - What makes a good character? Part one
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, April 7, 2015 LISTEN!
Image by Ozoneocean
After several interesting discussions about Mary Sues, we'd like to talk about characters a little more.
We asked people to let us know their thoughts on what makes a well written character VS a poorly written one. People talked about their favourite and least ...
Guest Post by Kroatz - How I'll Spend my Weekend
HippieVan at 12:00AM, April 3, 2015
I’m going to wake up, I’m quite sure of that. I’ve woken up many times before, and I currently have no real interest in changing that habit. So, first I am going to sleep, have some dangerous and weird adventures that I will either forget or repress ...
Quackcast 207 - A question of bodyshape part 2
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Feb. 24, 2015 LISTEN!
Photos by Howard Schatz.
In Quackcast 207 we talk about bodyshapes in comics again; as a follow up from the chat we had about it in Quackcast 205 we thought we'd let the community weigh in with their thoughts… so Banes and I could get the chance ...