DD interviews, community stuff, and milestones!

skoolmunkee at 1:05AM, May 11, 2009

In case you didn't know (I'm guessing most of you don't), the signups for Drunk Duck Fusion XXIII are up! What's the Fusion? People who sign up taking turns drawing a panel - but you only know what happened in the panel just before yours! They need ...

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Thursday's news! come git!

skoolmunkee at 12:37AM, March 12, 2009

Thursday's interview! GiantPinkWalrus interviews JoeL_CQB of CQB Epics!

More interviews in the Interview forum!

Peipei's DeadFingers has reached 150! Ra-ther!

Pokemon Yellow Comics by MysteriousJeff uploaded its 75th page on Tuesday! Well done!

Aghammer's Reverse Polarity has reached 25 pages! Brill!

MAG-ISA by kyupol just hit ...

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Round 5: the2ndredbaron interviews Mizukane of Story of a Robot!

skoolmunkee at 2:56AM, Feb. 27, 2009

Friday interview!

Round 5: the2ndredbaron interviews Mizukane of Story of a Robot!

And we're going to have another extra interview tomorrow! These are all huge contributions on the part of the participating members- I hope you're reading! Even if you're not a reader of the comic, it ...

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Wednesday interview!

skoolmunkee at 12:28AM, Feb. 25, 2009

Wednesday's QwtD interview is a good one! (They are all good!) Mizukane interviews Gohlico of Fifty-Peso Ninja, Slimies, and Others!

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Milestones and another interview- ShinuZero of Despotize!

skoolmunkee at 2:03AM, Feb. 23, 2009

Okay! It's the start of a new week and you know what that means… another interview! On this lovely monday, we have a great interview - Ryuthehedgewolf interviews ShinuZero of Despotize!

Lucky7s76 has some news! National Dex has reached 75 pages!

Goofycabal's The Truth About Corey Strode is having ...

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Tuesday interview, Peipei asks korosu (of Faust and Chimera) about a bunch of stuff!

skoolmunkee at 6:09AM, Feb. 17, 2009

Hello everybody! It's time for another interview! This time around, Peipei interviews korosu!

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I'm on BK's bandwagon

skoolmunkee at 11:42AM, Oct. 8, 2007

Since I bumped BK's newspost down a bit, could any members of the DD Book 3 anthology (you know, from 2 years ago) PLEASE send her a PQ (if you have not already done so) to let her know if you still want her thingy in the book? If ...

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Zac and MrRiot do Civil War. The End.

skoolmunkee at 4:23AM, July 2, 2007

Sorry these newsposts are a bit belated, I wanted to leave the Black_Kitty announcement up for a few days. I hope that was okay. :) To read that announcement, go here. We are still collecting sympathy cards and any donations at this account for those who are so inclined. You can ...

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There are not many good titles for a newspost!

skoolmunkee at 6:38AM, June 4, 2007

New Creator Interview!

Hey guys! We had a bit of a break and as great as KC Green's interview was, it's someone else's turn now!

This time we've intervewed tyrapendragon, who not only runs her own comic, but organizes the community project Fusion as well!

Do ...

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New Interviews, Nontests, Crossover Wars, Community Projects, and Milestones!

skoolmunkee at 2:49AM, April 16, 2007

What's up ducks and duckettes? I got some announcements!

Some changes are coming soon to the user pages! So keep an eye out…

There's a new Creator Interview up, and this time it's Hawk of Culture Shock!

Would you be doing your comic at all if you ...

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