Some people having problems with the new page uploader- where to report them?!

skoolmunkee at 12:27PM, June 22, 2010

Wowio is trying out some changes to the page uploading system, and while most people aren't experiencing any problems, some people are hitting bugs and so forth. We understand it's frustrating!

What we need you guys to do is, if you want to report a bug or problem ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:50AM, April 22, 2010


On the planet of Novaus there is a little country called New America. Humans live on this planet along with the Rubre; red skinned, black eyed aliens. On a small island a strange group called the Fundamentalist Free Thought Movement has kidnapped a bunch of different religious people in order ...

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Weekend news break! Some milestones, and how YOU can meet PIT_FACE!

skoolmunkee at 12:05PM, April 16, 2010

Hey everyone! Sorry there wasn't the usual attempt at a newspost on Wednesday- I was away from home for some work stuff and didn't really have internet access or anything.

PIT_FACE has a bunch of news!

1.) that on the 21st this month, PUTRID MEAT wwill be ...

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This just in, new Thursday newspost! Get your newspost, right here!

skoolmunkee at 7:00AM, April 8, 2010

DeadFingers is now 450 pages old :3.

I haven't really brought it up too often (embarassment x_x?), but there is a DeadFingers animated series in development ^^. Would put a smile on my face if you check out what we have so far *^^*! Thanks for all your love and ...

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THURSDAY (re)FEATURE- Adventures in the Land of High Adventure

skoolmunkee at 1:33AM, Feb. 18, 2010

(This was featured Monday, but with the site problems it didn't get its due attention.) :]

As any adventurer will tell you, “high adventure” is an exciting place to be. Swords and magic, gold and glory, monsters and misfits (and sometimes a nice minotaur steak). So, sometimes your warrior-girlfriend is ...

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MONDAY FEATURE -> Adventures in the Land of High Adventure

skoolmunkee at 1:19AM, Feb. 15, 2010

As any adventurer will tell you, “high adventure” is an exciting place to be. Swords and magic, gold and glory, monsters and misfits (and sometimes a nice minotaur steak). So, sometimes your warrior-girlfriend is kidnapped, or a skeletal necromancer resurrects an army of the undead to take to war. That ...

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Super gigantic newspost coming to destroy your city, news at 11

skoolmunkee at 5:15AM, Feb. 7, 2010

Hellooooooooooo! It's a long one this time around, because I didn't manage to get an earlier newspost done this week. It's been pretty busy for me but things are a little slower now. Much thanks to Oz who picked up my slack (especially during the stuff after ...

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Lots of milestones! Oh, and Drunk Duck is getting an on-demand STORE

skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Jan. 20, 2010

harkovast tells me that his (and ifelldownthestairs's) review comic The Webcomic Review Comic On The Web has reached 25 pages! (26 actually.)

Karrel reached 75 *slams fist on table* I demand my stipulated news post *puts fist in a bucket of ice*

WarriorBorn by cyberdog has posted its ...

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Don't mind me, I'm just postin' some news

skoolmunkee at 1:35PM, Dec. 23, 2009

The Ends (by theends) has wrapped up (the end of The Ends?)- it's a great comic so if you haven't checked it out, now would be a good time! Also, The Ends is now available in print from IndyPlanet!

Aero Gorath
Well, Dead Men Tell No Tales finally ...

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We Wish You A Very Large Newspost

skoolmunkee at 7:56AM, Dec. 11, 2009

I think I'm going to have to start doing these on Wednesday afternoon, because by Thursday there are just too many! Sorry today's is late, I just didn't have the time to tackle it. We're still friends, right?

Gillespie's Bacon Strips hit 275 on Tuesday ...

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