The catalogue of awesome, and some awesome milestones too

skoolmunkee at 8:35AM, Oct. 29, 2010

Sorry this is slightly late guys, I've had a distracting week and whenever I remembered I had a newspost to do I was away from the computer or already in bed or something. Also um I have kind of been playing New Vegas a lot. But here it is ...

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I have a surprise for you. The surprise is news. Surprise!

skoolmunkee at 5:28AM, Oct. 22, 2010

Koshou's Kimeral reaches 150 pages today! She's also just starting the 4th chapter!

Energize by Nepath saw its 150th page on Wednesday the 20th! The character also features in the new sequel to the collaborative comic Crossoverlord, which is titled Crossoverkill!

On Thursday, Dark Sisters by Lopriest reached ...

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Let's see what's on my NEWS AGENDA

skoolmunkee at 9:36AM, Oct. 15, 2010

First order of business!

Don't forget that you can sign up to be a beta tester for the redesigned Drunk Duck! It's mostly a visual overhaul, but there are some new features, and old features work in new ways, and some things like newsposts and features have been ...

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Maybe your day is pretty busy, but not too busy for NEWS!

skoolmunkee at 3:30PM, Oct. 5, 2010

I mean, I didn't get a chance to write this til like 11:30 pm but I still had time for news! NEWS! Neeeeeeeews!

Magical Weather Girls Go by altprom reaches 50 pages today! Mmmm magical..

Also at 50 pages is wildcard's A Girl Called Hate! Why would ...

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Okay guys! I hope you have your special EXCITEMENT PANTS on...

skoolmunkee at 12:13PM, Oct. 1, 2010

…because today's news is PRETTY EXCITING!

I wear my excitement pants every day.

Mafia XXXV: Babes, Booze, and Bullets is taking signups! Looks like a good ol' prohibition-style gangster fun time! You know the drill - SO SIGN UP ALREADY!

CROSS WORLDS NEXXUS by shaneronzio hits 1400 pages today! 1400 ...

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Have I got news for you!

skoolmunkee at 9:42AM, Sept. 28, 2010

Well, I have. And here it is. In no particular order whatsoever.

Before I forget! Everyone should have checked out the Drunk Duck Awards 2010 by now! All the winners have been announced, and JustNoPoint has been uploading congratulatory comics, acceptance speech comics, etc as well! So there is a ...

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Just some Sunday news, nothing to get alarmed about

skoolmunkee at 12:36PM, Sept. 26, 2010

Chomp by Fitz has hit 75 pages today!

Reaching 50 comics on Monday is Armagedon's Shadowjacked!

Genejoke is looking for more artists to work with him on Malefic Tales, a comic where (pretty much) every story is drawn by someone new!

Malefic tales is various stories all set ...

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Look I have these milestones, do you want them? (now with fixed links!)

skoolmunkee at 9:33AM, Sept. 24, 2010

Abt_Nihil's newest comic Holon has reached 25 pages and concluded its first chapter!

Hitting 50 pages is Frostflowers's Stafettserien! “It's a Swedish-language round-robin comic full of Transformers, cyborg gun arms, superpowered communists, mecha-penguins and giraffe-cosplays, aside from the usual themes of betrayal, backstabbing and general mayhem.”

And ...

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THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Beast Legion

Ozoneocean at 12:25AM, Sept. 23, 2010

The land of Lithopia has been free and peaceful these last 30 years… but that's all about to change now. The planets are aligning and there's nothing the king can do to avert the prophecy… The Shadow Nexus will return and once again plunge the kingdom into terrible ...

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More news! A contest! Also there are a lot of pirate-talking people around today!

skoolmunkee at 8:00AM, Sept. 19, 2010

Contest - I just started Round 1 of the 2010 edition of my “Create-a-Character Contest” which will run until mid-October. People are invited to vote on aspects that will help create a brand new character for Apple Valley. Each vote is also an entry for a drawing that will be ...

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