Planning Ahead vs The Thrill of Discovery

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 30, 2020

A few Newsposts from our contributors have mentioned plotting or planning vs the pantsing or ‘discovery’ approach to writing.

Plotting, which is obviously building some kind of plan or outline, is an approach many writers swear by, at least to some degree. It might be a vague plan, with a ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Arcadia Project

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 29, 2020

In a world with its own Creation story that has its own female God and the Devil, it also includes humans, orcs, trolls, vampires, elves, and aliens. In this world, the good are given gifts and the bad were transformed into less ideal forms. For her creations, God also created ...

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Destino: A Collaboration between Salvador Dalí and Walt Disney

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 27, 2020

In the year 1945, Walt Disney and surrealist artist, Salvador Dalí collaborated on a short film project that took over fifty eight years to complete. The story centers around a woman who falls in love with an inanimate object that resembles a man. It combines elements of Dali’s work ...

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Naming your worlds

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 24, 2020

Naming towns, cities or worlds can be a challenge. A name speaks volumes when it comes to world building so the pressure to get it right is real. To help overcome the struggle of finding the perfect name, here are some tips you can use to really nail it.

Consider ...

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Superpowers Magic and Technology

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 23, 2020

Greetings, citizens!

Superpowers coming from magical abilities or fantastic technology are essential to many stories in the fantasy and science fiction genres. They can show up in other genres, too, like horror and of course, superhero stories (are they science fiction stories? Science-Fantasy? Heroic Fantasy? Whatever - most of those folks ...

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Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 22, 2020

There aren't many survivors left unscathed in this post apocalyptic world, you have to make friends where you can find them. With that in mind, Devil befriends Sister when he saves her from being attacked by a violent man. Sister is a friendly robot that seems to only want ...

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Comic Creating Apps versus Hand Drawing

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 20, 2020

A few years back, a comic app called Bit Strips was very popular on social media. It was a cut-and-paste type of comic creator that allowed an easy way to design a character and create stories or comics featuring the creator’s likeness. BitStrips was popular on social media or ...

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Overall tips for getting over a slump

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2020

It's very easy for us creators to get wrapped up in our own art and stories that sometimes we begin to feel stagnant. It’s important to take a step back and look at what others are doing as it might go on to serve as inspiration for your ...

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Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 16, 2020

MacGuffin comin' through!


I'm not sure if everyone knows this already, but a MacGuffin is a term that was made popular by Alfred Hitchcock, and is now widely used in writing and storytelling circles.

It is an item or event (or possibly even a character) that exists only ...

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My top 5 art tips

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 10, 2020

Emma is sick today so I'm subbing in! My topic is about art: 5 areas to work on that will help you become a better comic artist.

The first and most important is practice. The more you do the better you get. Draw every day and try new ...

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