FEATURED COMIC --> Ingenimia Aus

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, July 1, 2020

It is a typical morning in a picturesque cottage: wake up, smell the flowers, pick some fruit from an unknown plant, get chased off the scene by a pair of vicious boars. Aus is about to meet another Guardian named Eradin and take a needed vacation from his home. Before ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 17, 2020

Burger Garrett’s day is starting off as any normal day—getting yelled at by his older sister, Lauren, which leads to him getting (literally) thrown out of the house and flung into local adventures with his best friend, Eric Espada. After blowing up the television and being handed fifteen ...

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Help Fund the Epics of Enkidu on Indiegogo!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, June 8, 2020

The Epics of Enkidu features a hero with Autism in what could be the sequel to the oldest story found in human history.

My name is Ahmed Alameen, and I am from Iraq. I am also the uncle of the kid who inspired me to create this comic and to ...

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Analyzing the Tantalizing Myth of the Madonna v. Whore Complex in Characters

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, May 18, 2020

Sexuality is very fluid and for the most part, there has been a societal shift towards a more “sex-positive” society. I digress because, as always, there is always a part of society that prefers to remain conservative. As a human female, basing my observations of other humans, it has dawned ...

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Defining Events

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, May 16, 2020

What made a character be who he/she is? What is it that drives them, and why?

That's the allure of any origin story: we get to see how characters we look up to or love or love to hate came to be who they are.

Most, if not ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Click Track Lolita

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, April 22, 2020

When Sierra, a fashionable young girl, visits her grandmother’s home in the idyllic, fairy tale cottage in the woods, life looks like it is more comfortable. She heads over to town for groceries and to visit Lacy at the local bar when she discovers Lacy has snagged a slot ...

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QUACKCAST 471 - Fantasy

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, March 24, 2020

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Today we're having a chat about fantasy fiction! Mainly books and the fantasy writing that inspired us and that we love! Faves like Tolkien, Fritz Leiber ...

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kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 12, 2020

Coquin is an interesting collaboration comic that brings together an American writer (Finch) and a French artist (Floch). The story follows a French fashionista named Serena and a British genie in a comic that originally ran as the weekly comic of a feminist magazine. Serena has a very liberal mindset ...

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