Why do we call Drunk Duck members “DDers” or “Drunk Duckers”? I mean, wouldn't “Ducks” (or Drunk Ducks) be simpler? I dunno. :shrug:
The Drunk Duck newsposts now have an RSS feed! Never miss a newspost with this fancy newfangled technology (okay it's been around a long time ...

RSS for newsposts, Quackcast #8, new DDer interview and bits and bobs!
skoolmunkee at 10:51AM, Dec. 21, 2010A new interview is up, a new Quackcast is up, and some milestones!
skoolmunkee at 1:01PM, Dec. 14, 2010
Guess what! Nergal has interviewed Pieguy259 of Stickman and Cube, and I gotta say it's a bunch of fun questions and answers. Here, have a look!
Well the first thing I noticed is the awesome banner you have for your comic. You must get a lot of comments about ...
Aelwyn of Amya interviewed, contest stuff, publishing, milestones, and podcasts!
skoolmunkee at 10:02AM, Dec. 10, 2010Let's get right to it, shall we? Time's a-wastin!
http://www.drunkduck.com/community/view_topic.php?tid=55129 it is a key point to the plot. Though that won't make any sense at the current point in the story, it will within the next few chapters. The ...
Introducing the NEW DD Quackcast!!!!!!!
Ozoneocean at 11:04AM, Dec. 9, 2010Big news today, duckers!
Bigger than usual. This is really, really decently-sized news actually.
We have a new feature here on DD: Quackcasts!
Click here http://podcast.drunkduck.com, or click on the link in the right hand column near the Faceduck and Twitter links.
This is DrunkDuck's new ...
The newspost with a lot of talking and voices stuff in it!
skoolmunkee at 12:51PM, Nov. 19, 2010What's up, gang? Just because it's back to business as usual here at DD doesn't mean you can sit around! There's a couple cool things you can participate in going on RIGHT NOW!
Harkovast and ifelldownthestairs have recorded another podcast for The Webcomic Review Comic on ...