Does everyone remember floppy disks?
This morning, the top trending topic was the warning issued by Vint Cerf, vice-president of Google, that we must create tangible back-up copies of all our digital works or else we may lose everything, every memory in a “digital Dark Age”. So I read about ...
The Digital Dark Age Cometh!
kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Feb. 16, 2015A lovey dovey FRIDAY NEWSPOST
HippieVan at 12:00AM, Feb. 14, 2014Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!
Comics are the perfect medium for telling love stories because we have access to every part of a character’s life: their innermost thoughts, their conversations, their sly glances at a love interest…
After Oz and Banes did their great 2-part quackcast discussing love in ...
New Amazing Newspost!
skoolmunkee at 12:28PM, Jan. 30, 2011
TKTC by Rival Comics has been receiving some attention! It was the weekly featured comic at Comic Domination 2 weeks ago, and Rival Comics will do an interview on Yes FM radio on Monday, 8am!
Peipei has reached a big 600 pages with her comic Deadfingers!
Negligence by elektro turns ...
Aren't you glad the news is delivered on Saturdays too?
skoolmunkee at 9:29AM, Aug. 14, 2010
WowioTV is on the air! The first show has been posted (and Oz and I are recording something for them tomorrow too)… This one features a “Drunk Duck Original” by Carolyn, from The People That Melt In The Rain, and other programmes! Some of them quite weird and entertaining! There ...
Submissions for WowioTV during SDCC, new mods, new community project, new milestones! IT'S HUGE
skoolmunkee at 3:10PM, June 30, 2010Okay guys, there's a lot of stuff in this newspost, so I hope you're paying attention!
First up, and maybe most interesting to everybody, is something from Wowio. There's three parts:
1. They will be at San Diego Comic-Con and want to know which DDers will be ...
This newspost adds up to 1428!
skoolmunkee at 1:11AM, Oct. 15, 2009carolyn
Just a little bit of news for The People That Melt in The Rain… Issue #2 “The Jaguar Child” is now available as an e-book from Abigail Books (issue #1 is there too, but that was a while ago…)
shaneronzio's CROSS WORLDS NEXUS reaches 1150 pages today! I ...
Attention! Denizens Interviewed - Contests A'Plenty - Gas Prices Down
skoolmunkee at 11:47PM, Sept. 13, 2009
This just in, early edition late breaking news hot off the press! Another DD user interview is up! Annie2495 interviews MadMindInk of Denizens! Attention!
1) Glad to be interviewing you! Letâs start with the old interview opener-tell us a little about yourself!
Ah, starting with the difficult questions first ...