Episode 228 - Conflicting conflicts conflict

Jul 19, 2015

This time we're talking about conflict in webcomic writing, and any writing in general really. Conflict is one of the main drivers of a story, so you pretty much have to have it in there somewhere! But how do you approach it? Do you set it up really carefully or just put a bunch of volatile characters together and see what happens? I think for a lot of us we don't think too much about the science of our conflicts, rather we approach it artistically and develop things by feel and instinct because conflict is such an intrinsic trait. But understanding how you use it can be very useful when you're writing satisfying resolutions and climaxes. A good understanding of the types of conflict in your story is also pretty essential when you're writing a good comedy (it's a great source of humour!), and also when you're explaining or selling your work to the public: It's all very well to chat about your clever setting and your funky characters, but conflict is the reason they're IN a story to begin with and that's really what will get people wanting to read out it. I hope you enjoy Gunwallace's great porn style music type theme for Tales of Two Tiny Titty bars!

Episode 226 - The Power of Contrast

Jul 5, 2015

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In this Quackcast I interrogated Mr Banes on the subject of his first newspost: Contrasts. It's a subject near and dear to him, even his comic "Typical Strange“ has its name based on the concept, i.e. two words with the opposite meanings put together to create an effect. In imagery contrast is used to make darker shapes appear darker and lighter shapes lighter and to create a tension where those areas meet at the penumbra. In writing and comics it's much the same, ”laughter and tears“, ”good and evil", a sad scene contrasting with a joyous one etc. Contrasting makes both contrasted elements appear far greater than they really are, as well as serving as a source of tension, conflict, or humour. Banes and I talk about this in a rambling fashion. Gunwallace has a special treat for us today with a brilliant theme for Dead Leon! You'll want to ask him for a copy of his one ;)

Episode 221 - Banes goes Bananas!

Jun 1, 2015

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Banes is home alone in the studio this time while Ozoneocean was away gallivanting around the globe… he's joined by intrepid security guard Bravo, who saves him from a fate worse than death. Together they chat and gabble away about things and stuff, primarily inspired by the topic “Why do you do a webcomic?” Together they manage to find out. Reading the contributions of many fine DDers really helped along with that though! Gunwallace provides a great theme for Clockwork Atrium too!

Episode 220 - the Process of Creation

May 12, 2015

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Hello from Belgrade in Serbia! This Quackcast was recorded 3 weeks ago and I am currently in Europe, though I'm still writing this from Perth Western Australia 3 weeks in the past… So in this particular Quackcast you get to hear ME Ozoneocean, Banes, Bravo1102 and Tantz Aerine (who I visited in Athens last week), chat about the process of creation! Creation is a topic very close to the heart of all webcomic creators and the four of us try and explore all aspects of it with the help of some very wise people on DD. The music for this week is Gunwallace's them fro The Temple at 50 Fathoms, a comic by Skreem, SO if you like a hyper dance club sound, you better strap on your dancin' pants when you listen to this one!

Episode 216 - Characters done right, part 4

Apr 27, 2015

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This is the FOURTH and very final part of our series on what makes a good character in webcomics, movies, and any sort of writing in general. Our very first four-parter! Ozone and Banes are once again joined by the panel of Pitface, Tantz Aerine, and Bravo1102. Together we get though the last of the contributions from the great and wise people of DD who've had a lot of very intelligent things on the subject of character writing. And of course there's an amazing aural interpretation of a comic for you by Gunwallace who's done a spectacular theme for Prodigium.

Episode 215 - A guide to Good characters, part 3

Apr 20, 2015

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OMG! This is the third part in our long running series of discussing good and bad character traits in webcomics and everything else. Bravo, Tantz and Pit are all along with Banes and I for another go around and doing their best German accents as a tribute to Abt Nhil to start off. As usual we read out some very enlightening contributions and then discuss them jointly afterwards. This Quackcast ran a little long because of it- we had a LOT to say! And do not forget Gunwallace's great musical theme, this time it's for Clint which also happens to be that week's featured comic!

Episode 214 - Good character, Bad character? Part 2

Apr 12, 2015

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Continuing our theme from last week, Bravo1102 joins us to discuss good and bad character creation, along with two very well written characters; PitFace and Tantz Aerine! We use our best silly voices to read out the words of the smart people who had something to say on the subject in question and then we all get together to pick apart and discuss the points they made. Bravo joins us for the first time as a participant and not an interviewee and showcases his excellent and versatile vocal talents! Also- Gunwallace's tune for Joy To The World is especially funky. Please enjoy Quackcast 214!

Episode 213 - What makes a good character? Part one

Apr 6, 2015

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After several interesting discussions about Mary Sues, we'd like to talk about characters a little more. We asked people to let us know their thoughts on what makes a well written character VS a poorly written one. People talked about their favourite and least favourite characters in fiction and why they dug or don't dig them… as well as their own characters and how they put them together! Banes and I blather on a lot so this will be a multi-parter as we talk about what makes good characters. And as usual there's the great theme by Gunwallace! This time a classical number for the Adult comic Tina's Story.

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