Episode 461 - Top Comic making 5 tips!
Jan 13, 2020
Today Banes and I chat about our top tips for doing a great comic page: What is most important? I mainly focus on art and Banes is talking about page design and writing tips. Bellow are our top 5s for ways to make better comics! We expand on these and explain them in the Quackcast.
Topics and Show Notes
If you can't listen to it here, go here instead - https://www.facebook.com/DrunkDuckcomics/posts/2921504494550602
Banes' tips for making a comic page:
1. Page layouts
2. Economical wording
3. Vary the camera
4. Don't always hide things you can't draw
5. Don't eat the ink off your brush!
Banes writing tips:
1. Avoid too much exposition up front.
2. Write things that matter to you.
3. Let different characters be different
4. Powerful stories have themes but work better if it's hidden
5. Avoid burnout by working too hard all in one go
BONUS 6. JUST DO IT! Jump in and start.
Ozone's comic art tips:
1. Practice
2. life Drawing
3. Simplification
4. Backgrounds
5. Consistency
This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Molly Lusc: Dark shades of grey, shadows in the night, penumbra, tenebrae, and twilight. We move in the not-quit-night, keeping our actions secret and behind closed doors. No one must know! The dual life and secretive nature of Molly Lusc is well summed up with this creepy noir tune of whispers and shadows.
Topics and shownotes
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My top 5 comic art tips - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/jan/09/my-top-5-art-tips/
Featured comic:
The Watch Dogs - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/news/2020/jan/07/featured-comic-the-watch-dogs/
Featured music:
Molly Lusc - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/Molly_Lusc/, by Andreas Helixfinger, rated M.
Special thanks to:
Gunwallace - http://www.virtuallycomics.com
Ozoneocean - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/ozoneocean
Banes - https://www.theduckwebcomics.com/user/Banes/
Episode 364 - JUST DO IT!
Mar 5, 2018
All the planning and set up in the world will never count for anything if you never start your webcomic, so just put your own to paper and begin! “Getting started on a webcomic” is what we chat about here. I was inspired by PitFace's newspost about a crappy horror film and how the creators just went for it. As a webcomicer that is what you HAVE to do! You can plan, research and gather resources for years, but the reality is that it just makes you more and more scared to take the plunge. You'll develop a LOT faster as a webcomicer if you throw caution to the wind and go for it. I'm not saying that research and planning are uneeded, it's just that most if it can be done while you're actually working. Do not worry about putting out a perfect piece of genius work from the getgo- your comic WILL get there regardless if you're dedicated and put the work in AS you work, but the first few pages or chapters don't have to be there. Your audience will appreciate the chance to grow with you a lot more than if you put out a polished gem to begin with. Starting out at a place like Drunk Duck is your best bet. It's a nurturing, easy to use, creator run platform, focussed around promoting webcomics. So what are you waiting for? This week Gunwallace has given us the theme to Flesh and Wires: Dirty and distorted electric guitar and determined fuzzy bass, weaving together over a haunting synthesized Melodica. Portentous and evocative, this music tells a story in it’s own runtime! The main riff reminds me a little of my fave part for We don’t Need Another Hero from Tina Turner.