Action scene comic book page

fallopiancrusader at 8:37AM, Feb. 15, 2018

A 48-minute time-compressed video of Fallopiancrusader creating pages 74 and 75 of his comic, “Mindfold”, with commentary about the drawing techniques and composition choices that he used.


debvrise at 4:49PM, Nov. 26, 2020

These are the following ways on how to be a professional artist.read….

(3 votes)

How to Use "Actions" in Photoshop to Help you move faster

cdmalcolm1 at 8:40AM, Dec. 13, 2018

So, What is “Actions” anyway? “Actions” are presets that you can use in setting up a bunch of things for a PSD file. You can create your own ‘Actions’ by setting up a layer to make a gold FX, Speech Bubbles, or just about anything for your illustration. So Let me get right into it.

(1 vote)

The quickest ways to become a better artist...well some are quick

mundy at 4:13AM, Feb. 7, 2008

Tips on how to improve your art

(26 votes)

Sketch to color (a little old skool)

iowabarbidoll at 9:24PM, Oct. 5, 2007

Doing a comic panel using a real pencil and pens?!! NO WAY!

(12 votes)

Lineart and Colouring in Photoshop

GashuMonsata at 7:47PM, Jan. 9, 2011

Two visual tutorials that explain how to draw neat lineart and colour in a visually great, efficient way.

(4 votes)

How to write a storyline

Snowninja at 2:38PM, Sept. 17, 2010

Have you ever wanted to write a good story for a comic but you can't seem to put it on paper? Well, I'll show you my way of making stories!

(6 votes)

How To Create Photoshop Style Bubbles, My Way

VinceLikesRooster at 6:12PM, Nov. 1, 2008

Real easy bubbles to create and they look cool too ^.^. A begginer to a moderate user should be able to understand this.

(1 vote)

Drawing the Ozone way!

Ozoneocean at 1:46PM, July 16, 2007

A simple tutorial showing a way to construct an image and follow it through to a colour stage.

(30 votes)

Creating characters for Manga Part 1

Lace at 10:46AM, Sept. 3, 2007

Learning to use stick figures as a way to pose your characters! Difficulty: Beginner

(7 votes)

Create an Epic Adventure the Hollywood way!

Fuzzy Modem at 2:39PM, Oct. 7, 2007

Using only your PC and Digital Camera, create a Monumental Saga that would make Spielberg proud!

(6 votes)

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