Public Profile


member since April 04, 2011


I am a young person, and I draw stuff. I do a webcomic. That's pretty much it. I've been drawing since… forever. I like action, comedy and dark comedy. Also, my comic has a lot of dialogue.

Comics By Jaggedclaw

  • Fantasy |
  • 136 pages |
  • last: June 8 2016 |
Craig finds an old bottle at an estate sale. Little does he know that this bottle contains an angel... of death! However, Death has been laid off after absence from work for a few centuries. This is a lighthearted comic about everything, from everyday life to the supernatural. Updates Fridays (sometimes it's late and updates on Saturday)
  • Parody |
  • 9 pages |
  • last: Aug. 2 2015 |
  • 1 like
Dyscalculia is a thing that no one seems to know about for some reason.
  • Fantasy |
  • 20 pages |
  • last: April 19 2015 |
Fantasy/Slice of Life The doodled adventures of a goddess who lives in a void. With personifications of her negative traits. Godmode AU

Comics Assisted By Jaggedclaw

  • Parody |
  • 48 pages |
  • last: Dec. 29 2015 |
Meet Boba Fettuccini. He's just this kid going to high school in Metropolton, USA, unaware that events are about to transpire. But of course, this is Metropolton, events transpiring is just the way of things. Accompanied by his group of misfits, Boba will undertake the arduous task of having zero attention span and an unhealthy appetite for bacon, all the while having tragically deficient social skills and an impossible dream of starting the world's first electronic/wind/metal ensemble.

Comics Recomended By Jaggedclaw

1810 England. It was thought that humans walked the path of enlightenment leaving monsters and dark things behind. However, those monsters and night stalkers merely hide in the darkness, as a young maid, Bernadette, soon finds out.

About a teenager named Evan, who goes to a school to teach him how to be a supervillain! But he's no good at it and hilarity ensues!

A medieval knight and a Japanese ninja are forced to share an apartment in modern America. Can they achieve their missions without destroying each other?

A comedy/adventure/fantasy story which refuses to try and cash in on WoW or D&D. Currently in Chapter 13 - Mordrolvia

A vampire tries to make it in the mortal world.

Random adventures of three dangerous teens.

Craig finds an old bottle at an estate sale. Little does he know that this bottle contains an angel... of death! However, Death has been laid off after absence from work for a few centuries. This is a lighthearted comic about everything, from everyday life to the supernatural. Updates Fridays (sometimes it's late and updates on Saturday)

Hack Girl follows the misadventures of a sociopathic vigilante as she confronts online idiots when they're not hiding behind screens, busting computers and heads.

Hocusha, Sorceress for Hire. Very helpful but expects monetary rewards. A girl gots to eat, you know.

Koji has more on his plate than the average teenager. If taking care of his family and going to school wasn't enough, he's suddenly found out he can stop time.

Mostly my own slightly warped view on Life, Death, and the world in general.. Not really, this follows the lives of Death (Steve) and Life (Bobby) Along with the other mythical/magical beings that clutter up the place

Follow the adventures of the dark witch Meryl and her werewolf minion Gin as they fend off overly affectionate vampires, rival witches, dangerous dungeons and annoying village kids looking for adventure.

High school shenanigans. Humor. Action. And surprise tests.

The misadventures of Skull Girl -- a recent graduate of a super-villainy school. She faces two major obstacles to her career as a super-villainess: No work experience, and she's sweet and adorable.

A silent fairytale about a young princess and another, rather larger individual.


Jaggedclaw's friends

  • tupapayon
  • Preston Kei
  • 157255
  • Primalx3
  • Volte6
  • artdude2002
  • Zetsumeimaru

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