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member since September 09, 2007


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Comics By LilChrisJr

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Comics Assisted By LilChrisJr

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Comics Recomended By LilChrisJr

A fanfic with the characters of the DBZ universe plus customs

When Markus and Torgo the Badly Sprited Bat Demon ThingTM are trapped in the internet and forced to read horrendously bad sprite comics, the inevitable Mystery Science Theater 3000 homage is the only practical conclusion.

Sonic and Tails have grown bored of living in the country and have decided to move to the city, at least that's what Sonic decided. Warning: Contains Magi, demonic landlords, a crazy green guy, and suffering, lots and lots of suffering.

Join May, a beginning trainer, and her two new friends, Hayley and Taylor, as they travel through the Kanto region in hopes of May fulfilling her dream of becoming a Pokemon Coordinator Master!

I'm trying something different here. Care to watch?

Started in April 2007, Pokemon XS is one sprite comic you won't want to miss!


LilChrisJr's friends

  • corbin
  • Gamer girl
  • GoukiZero
  • wazaaap
  • Dred
  • Volte6
  • Vindu
  • TBustah
  • Rentorian

forum topics started

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Videos Shared By LilChrisJr

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Dred at 4:13AM, Nov. 18, 2007

Thanks for the add and for recommending my comic man. This really means a lot to me.

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