usedbooks on Aug. 2, 2010

There's something I like about this page, especially the second panel. I can't really put my finger on it. No need to analyze it, I guess. I like it, and that's enough.

Hey! It's August! I want to let everyone know that on August 21, I will be attending DWEX. If you can attend, you should come meet me in person. (I don't get out much. :P ) Also, JustNoPoint and amanda will be there too – along with a bunch of other talented webcomickers.

ghostrunner: That's because it was the outfit you were wearing when you went in.

Anubis: Oh? What about kittens? And ice-cream? And door prizes?

Lonnehart: Yep. Because everyone wants to know it! If it was non-confidential, no one would care.

Tantz: True, could be hazardous to himself, though. XD I like your avatar! Seems like you haven't changed it in years. I'll have to get used to it. :)

Peipei: I'm surprised you're the only one who caught on to that! (Or almost; Seiko noticed too.)

Warpedwenger: Of all the things they go through, it's the *needle* that requires courage? XD

Jonko: I'll keep that in mind if I ever need blood! (I think I'm O positive.) Yep, I haven't drawn Tristan in his undershirt in quite some time. He looks more like a rogue this way.

amanda: Fire = The original all-purpose cleaner!

houseofmuses: You're welcome. ^_^ You're more than deserving. You have a great body of work on your hands, and kudos to you for making money at this. You know we all envy you. ~_^

DAJB: Eye laser!