Filler: Ray and Mickey

usedbooks on July 24, 2024

I haven't been able to work on the next page. Some dental work has crushed my energy and spirit (and bruised my jawbone). A big work deadline depleted my mental and emotional capacity. And I am going to Arizona next week (for work). So there will be no new page this week or next week.

The next update will be August 9th or 10th. Thank you for your patience. In the meantime, check out the Character Deep Dive of Raidon written by Tantz.

In the spirit of this in-depth profile, I created a quick canonical sketch of Raidon at a fancy party with one of the subjects of our current (past?) arc, Misaki. Scenes like this would occur around a decade after the setting of the flashback story. When she's older, Misaki is not subtle or secretive about “infiltrating” the criminal world. These two knew each other as Ray and Mickey.