usedbooks on Sept. 1, 2011

Happy September! I'm so glad summer is almost over. It's my least favorite season. I don't know what many of these costumes are, but I had lots of fun drawing them anyway. :)

Having nothing else to talk about on this page, letme give you some hot tips on cool things in my webcomics world.

~I'm running a guest art project called Pay It Forward. If you draw a comic, please consider joining.
~Lite Bites, in addition to being a fun community project (currently seeking short stories), has reviewed Used Books and will be posting said review starting this Saturday. (Yes, STARTING; it's several pages long.)
~The DrunkDuck Awards are fixing to kick off! Go over to the forums to add your input, enter the award design contest, and, most importantly, VOLUNTEER!
~Several of my favorite webcomic artists have emerged from long (and some not as long) stasis! Some on DD, and some elsewhere. They include Luminous, Locoma, Tantz, Lonnehart, and JustNoPoint. I am SO excited to see my old DD pals updating again! (See why September is awesome?)

Now for replies!

plymayer: :) My original design was very simple, but my sister suggested I add golden “Y's.”

amanda: Breezy!

Anubis: Kaida's a pwetty pwincess!

ghostrunner: Thanks!