usedbooks on April 29, 2024

I am trying to draw parallels between Seiko's parents and her. It turns out to be surprisingly easy to do since her dad hijacked my script. My other purpose is fleshing out Gibson a bit.

Gibson is the only character in this flashback who is present in the present-day cast. I have very rough charts to guide the rest of my comic, and, as of now, Gibson is a significant player for the climax. That could change. My scripts veer off in weird directions now and then.

My sister requested this arc. (Specifically, she said, paraphrasing, “There's so much violence and drama. How about a story that's cute and light like how Seiko's parents met.”) I included Gibson on a whim, knowing his later importance. He also mentioned Mickey earlier, so I set back their acquaintance a bit. Gibson is one of my oldest characters and deserves a little backstory.