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The Duck PREVIEW Site is now Live!
Ironscarf at 1:56AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 1,915
joined: 9-9-2008
Tim Wellman
DD is ruined, we all know that, just the number of complaints and concerns shows that to anyone not on Wowio's payroll. It's not about saving DD, it's about what we can do to make another webcomics site we can all use, with the same good people here.

To my knowledge, nobody is proposing to create a new webcomic host, unless you're working on something Tim?

There are other hosts out there and you should've had yourself covered in that respect by now; if not when Wowio started showing their hand, then as soon as you found out Skool and Ozone had taken the king's Shilling. ;O
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:03PM
ksteak at 2:04AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 111
joined: 3-27-2009
Tim Wellman
DD is ruined

At least give them a chance to ruin it, they haven't done anything yet…
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:24PM
MrHades at 5:20AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 173
joined: 1-25-2008
Tim, could you speak in any bigger generalisations? Jesus, calm down dude.

As I see it, this is their business and if they mess it up, they'll lose money. They are going to do what's best for them and that's all there is to it. You've already played your hand by removing all your material, yet you keep coming back as the ‘voice of doom’. We know where you are coming from, yeah.
Hey, why not follow me on Twitter? User name: @THE_MrHades
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:08PM
DaWaterRat at 9:01AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 64
joined: 1-6-2010
Wednesday… are we sure it was supposed to be this past Wednesday? :)

My dad was a programer, so I'm not terribly surprised by the delay. (I used to expect “five minutes” to equal an hour or two when I asked for help with homework and such when he was working out of our house.)

Oh, and Tim, how's that move to Comic Fury going?
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:09PM
skoolmunkee at 9:11AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
Wednesday… are we sure it was supposed to be this past Wednesday? :)

I'm quite happy to have it delayed, really. It means the programmers are buying time to get that much more stuff in order before any data moves. I'll be mad as hell if we get another “massive change on Friday, radio silence til Monday” though.

And if Wowio is foolish enough to get rid of its cheap, dedicated, networked, beloved admins, then I'll be happy to leave because I won't like where it's going. :]
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
Ironscarf at 9:36AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 1,915
joined: 9-9-2008
Oh, and Tim, how's that move to Comic Fury going?

Tim has already left Comic Fury!
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:03PM
Skullbie at 9:41AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 4,805
joined: 12-9-2007
Oh, and Tim, how's that move to Comic Fury going?

Tim has already left Comic Fury!
With righteous indignation!
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:48PM
Salsa at 9:52AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 2,384
joined: 7-10-2008
Honestly, I'm not making the call until I have some hard evidence one way or the other. I just hope that they'll reintroduce the HTML editing soon. Speaking of which, couldn't they have a malware scanner sniffing any HTML, images, or other files being uploaded? I know it's not foolproof, but then again, what is when dealing with computers. :/
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:19PM
Locoma at 11:23AM, May 12, 2011
posts: 457
joined: 1-2-2006
1) I want to back up my comics… just in case… but the archives thingy leads me to a page with random type!

By the way, while doing a backup of your comic you might encounter some problems using the “archive comic” feature of the comic controls if you are using Firefox (I'm not exactly sure why). If you have problems using that, switch to Internet Explorer (or copy and paste the backup file link in it) or use a download manager like FlashGet for example. The file downloaded is a TAR.GZ which is a zipped file. If you can't open it try using Winrar (40 day trial) or 7zip.

also, be sure to use the url ending in “tar.gz” and not the one you get by clicking “copy link location”

When I right click and choose save as it tries to save it as a PHP and NEVER downloads

I know, you don't have to click “save as”, you have to copy the “tar.gz” link manually (by selecting it, edit > copy or ctrl c) and paste that text into either internet explorer address bar or a file download tool.
The text you paste then should look something like:
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:38PM
Ozoneocean at 1:14PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 28,851
joined: 1-2-2004
I tried downloading my archive twice using IE8 on a friend's computer and it didn't work either time-
First it gave me that text link like Locoma showed:

But when I right clicked on it and did “save as” it wanted to save it as some dumb HTML named file. Even when I copied and pasted that same exact file name with the extension ending in “.tar.gz” it STILL appended “.HTML” on the end what it had finished downloading, and the only way to get rid of that was to change the folder viewing preferences to display file extensions.
But even when I made SURE it ended in “.tar.gz” it STILL wouldn't open! WinRar said the file was missing it's index or archive or was corrupted or something. Happened both times. So I gave up.

Lucky for me I've got about a million of my own high quality backups, but I pity those who don't.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
Gunwallace at 3:07PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 384
joined: 10-13-2010
Is it just me, or have the featured comic titles lately been a reflection of the mood of our admins? Nocturne 21 and Death Comes Knocking are worthy features, but I can't help think the downbeat titles presage their fears of the upcoming changes to the detoxing Duck!

David ‘Gunwallace’ Tulloch,
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:40PM
El Cid at 4:02PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 1,273
joined: 5-4-2009
Wow, the new site looks a lot like the old site!

I could get used to this! :)
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:20PM
semiflex at 5:52PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 18
joined: 4-5-2011
Just giving a heads up. It was just mentioned on DD's twitter feed that the page layout and link tools are up for testing at the preview site. So if you're reading this and haven't tried the tools, GO GO GO and then give them your feedback on GetSatisfaction.

Link to the news post:

I'm gonna go fool with them myself but haven't even glanced at them yet.

edit: Arrrgh. They're super simple. I don't know what I was expecting– this is like those MySpace layout generators that were everywhere way-back-when.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:27PM
Dave7 at 7:57PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 500
joined: 9-6-2007
Just giving a heads up. It was just mentioned on DD's twitter feed that the page layout and link tools are up for testing at the preview site. So if you're reading this and haven't tried the tools, GO GO GO and then give them your feedback on GetSatisfaction.

Link to the news post:

I'm gonna go fool with them myself but haven't even glanced at them yet.

edit: Arrrgh. They're super simple. I don't know what I was expecting– this is like those MySpace layout generators that were everywhere way-back-when.

Well they said on the quackcast that they'd only have some but not all of the customization tools ready by the time the site changeover took place, and that they'd be rolling them out after the new site went live, so this may not be the final version of what we get (I'm starting to have my doubts, though, to be honest, but I'm trying to remain optimistic).

Although to be honest, to someone with no skill at web-design or html (like me), even these tools, somewhat rudimentary though they may be, will still probably make things a lot simpler. I think one of the important things is that we now know that we will at least have the capacity to set up link and banner exchanges by the time the site changes over, which would have severely crippled this community otherwise.
Post your concerns about the preview page! Support raw html!

“That is not dead can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons death may die.”
~H.P. Lovecraft

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:09PM
semiflex at 8:17PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 18
joined: 4-5-2011
Well they said on the quackcast that they'd only have some but not all of the customization tools ready by the time the site changeover took place, and that they'd be rolling them out after the new site went live, so this may not be the final version of what we get (I'm starting to have my doubts, though, to be honest, but I'm trying to remain optimistic).

Although to be honest, to someone with no skill at web-design or html (like me), even these tools, somewhat rudimentary though they may be, will still probably make things a lot simpler. I think one of the important things is that we now know that we will at least have the capacity to set up link and banner exchanges by the time the site changes over, which would have severely crippled this community otherwise.

I heard that Quackcast, too. Figured they'd have something else added there eventually– just don't have any idea what (because I really don't know enough about HTML to know what's missing now anyways.) I'm pretty much in the same boat as you.

(And I will not miss this slowness. At all. I'll put up with the snotbubble Duck if it's a fast snotbubble Duck.)
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:27PM
Jake Richmond at 8:41PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 66
joined: 1-23-2011
So yeah. Banners, buttons and links FTW.

This. I like Drunk Duck a lot. Modest Medusa has done really well here, and I really appreciate the support of this community. I want to stay here for a long, long time, but…

The prospect of losing PW ads, losing custom HTML, losing links and banners… this is all important stuff to me. I'm more than willing to give the new site a chance, but these functions absolutely need to be implemented for me to keep Modest Medusa on this site.

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:06PM
Niccea at 8:44PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 5,902
joined: 8-10-2007
They are having banners and links.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:15PM
Tim Wellman at 8:46PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 164
joined: 1-14-2007
I've just seen the latest post about the new site. See, push hard enough, you get concessions. If everyone had just shut up, you'd have another WEvolt here. BUT, enough of you spoke out that they had to give in… they gave you editable sites and banners, etc. NONE of this was in the works, NONE. It's only because enough of you guys spoke out the last week (which is why the proposed Tues-Weds switchover didn't take place) they had to go back and add the things you demanded. Well done, DD artists, well-done.

Oh, I also see where a few are still attacking me… not sure why, just got to check when they joined, I guess… but still, the majority of you fought for what you believed in and you won. Good job! We didn't get everything, but we got editable sites with our own banners. And I think we all showed Wowio that we couldn't be pushed around quite as easily as they thought.

I knew you guys would eventually stand up and fight, even if your leaders were huddled in the bushes making white flags.
last edited on July 14, 2011 4:30PM
Jake Richmond at 8:59PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 66
joined: 1-23-2011
They are having banners and links.

Yes, I see. I'm just confirming that these things are deal breakers for me.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:06PM
semiflex at 9:13PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 18
joined: 4-5-2011
Tim Wellman
I've just seen the latest post about the new site. See, push hard enough, you get concessions. If everyone had just shut up, you'd have another WEvolt here. BUT, enough of you spoke out that they had to give in… they gave you editable sites and banners, etc. NONE of this was in the works, NONE. It's only because enough of you guys spoke out the last week (which is why the proposed Tues-Weds switchover didn't take place)

I think some of these things WERE in the works, and have been for a while. If they weren't in the works, it's probably more about them not knowing what we needed rather than just flat out denying us things.

As far as I know the proposed Tues-Weds switchover was still “on schedule” even after all the speaking up. I don't think we made them delay that; they're just trying not to repeat what happened the last time they tried switching to a new site.

I'm not trying to attack you but I think you're being a bit presumptuous and harsh about Wowio. We didn't get “concessions” by attacking Lawrence and the crew involved– we got them by explaining what we needed and why we need those things.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:27PM
Ozoneocean at 9:15PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 28,851
joined: 1-2-2004
Tim Wellman
I knew you guys would eventually stand up and fight, even if your leaders were huddled in the bushes making white flags.
OK Tim, you're getting a double fist dragon dick-punch right now.

I've been writing e-mails back and forth about links, banners and HTML editing tools before you even knew about the preview Spending over 5 hours writing ONE of them, and none of you guys had even SEEN the preview at that stage! Skool and I haven't stopped pushing Lawrence and his team to add that functionality! And we've been testing it AND telling the guys what else they need to have it there too!
Last night I was up till 3.40 AM on Skype with Kinh and Skool arguing about were user banners and text links should go.

The amount of our own time we've sacrificed…

I know you're passionate, but you sure do spread a lot of rumour, misinformation and propaganda to support a particular anti Wowio agenda for whatever reason, not really caring who you offend or hurt and I really think it's time that you just shu… toned it down.

K? :)
Tim Wellman
I think some of these things WERE in the works, and have been for a while. If they weren't in the works, it's probably more about them not knowing what we needed rather than just flat out denying us things.

As far as I know the proposed Tues-Weds switchover was still “on schedule” even after all the speaking up. I don't think we made them delay that; they're just trying not to repeat what happened the last time they tried switching to a new site.

I'm not trying to attack you but I think you're being a bit presumptuous and harsh about Wowio. We didn't get “concessions” by attacking Lawrence and the crew involved– we got them by explaining what we needed and why we need those things.
That's it exactly.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
Dave7 at 9:39PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 500
joined: 9-6-2007
Tim Wellman
I've just seen the latest post about the new site. See, push hard enough, you get concessions. If everyone had just shut up, you'd have another WEvolt here. BUT, enough of you spoke out that they had to give in… they gave you editable sites and banners, etc. NONE of this was in the works, NONE. It's only because enough of you guys spoke out the last week (which is why the proposed Tues-Weds switchover didn't take place) they had to go back and add the things you demanded. Well done, DD artists, well-done.

Oh, I also see where a few are still attacking me… not sure why, just got to check when they joined, I guess… but still, the majority of you fought for what you believed in and you won. Good job! We didn't get everything, but we got editable sites with our own banners. And I think we all showed Wowio that we couldn't be pushed around quite as easily as they thought.

I knew you guys would eventually stand up and fight, even if your leaders were huddled in the bushes making white flags.

Okay, as much as I hate calling people out, and at the risk of getting attacked by the admins and even other users, and even the person I'm directing this at, I'm going to say this.

Tim Wellman, go back and read this entire thread. Read everything you've posted, and then read what everyone replied to you. I'll wait.

Good, now read this:

You've done nothing but done the equivalent of scream and rant and yell and attack everyone blindly over the forums, while people were doing things more civilly, such as using the get satisfaction forums, which I think people repeatedly directed you to, and after checking through the whole thing, unless you used a different user name, I failed to see a single post made by you. Given how many problems you seemed to have with the preview, you failed to do what the rest of us were doing FOR you; telling the people at Wowio what we wanted done. You have no right to come back here now and talk like this was all your doing, or that you even so much as did anything to help, for that matter.

Frankly, you've gone from acting like a complete troll to a smug-ass. I've noticed how you've repeatedly stated how you're comic is in the top 50, which makes you come of as rather egocentric, how you were leaving DD entirely yet keep coming back, how you were going to move over to ComicFury, which I've heard you've already left, and how you seem to think that the entirety of Wowio is solely dedicated to screwing us over, which gives me the impression that you've never worked at a major business or are even old enough to understand how business truly run.

The reason people are attacking you is because you've made wild accusations and jumped to conclusions without backing any of your arguments, and further more you've failed to respond to, if not completely ignored, any of the responses by other users that have explained WHY your arguments are flawed.

Wowio is a business. As a business, it cost them money to acquire DD. As a result, they need to make some returns (DD is expensive to maintain, if you actually read this thread, you'd know that), and therefore, as the owners, they have every right to make changes as they see fit, or else being unable to maintain DD, which means it gets shut down, in which case, we DO lose everything. I'm not condoning everything they've done so far and I do, in fact, agree with you in that they've grossly mishandled some issues in the process. But the fact is, the worst thing they could do, from a business perspective, is intentionally and deliberately try to make DD unusable, because it would make us all leave, and it would cost them considerably. The fact is that business is complicated, Tim, and because of their affilitaions (see: ad agencies), they may not be able to get us everything we want for purely legal reasons, even if they wanted to.

Now, if you want to come back to DD now (or TD or whatever), please do, in fact, I hope you do, because the more members we have here, the better. But the way you've acted really makes me NOT want to read your comic, or view ANY of your artwork or frankly even TALK to you.

Now, I'm sorry if this has offended you in any way, but frankly, this needs to be said, and you need to hear it.


edit: Looks like you beat me to the punch, Ozone. Sorry that I'm coming off as so angry, but I think this needs to be said.
Post your concerns about the preview page! Support raw html!

“That is not dead can eternal lie,
And with strange aeons death may die.”
~H.P. Lovecraft

last edited on July 14, 2011 12:09PM
Ozoneocean at 9:58PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 28,851
joined: 1-2-2004
edit: Looks like you beat me to the punch, Ozone. Sorry that I'm coming off as so angry, but I think this needs to be said
You were way more diplomatic and thorough than I Dave.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:38PM
crocty at 10:16PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 6,677
joined: 8-16-2007
Tim Wellman
Well done, DD artists, well-done.

Good job!

I knew you guys would eventually stand up and fight
Aw shucks boss, thanks for believing in me.
Couldn't have done it without you.

What are your commands for your loyal subjects now?
I'm not really around much anymore, but here's my Tumblr, Twitter, and Deviantart. Also if you remember me from back when I was around, I'm sorry.
last edited on July 14, 2011 11:54AM
ksteak at 11:26PM, May 12, 2011
posts: 111
joined: 3-27-2009
If you get the chance, please test out the newly implemented comic page layout tools on The Duck Preview site and offer your feedback regarding bugs, opinions, etc.

…. Kind of impossible if I can't log in/create an account/ do anything. :/

last edited on July 14, 2011 1:24PM
skoolmunkee at 1:06AM, May 13, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
Tim Wellman
Taking credit for something I didn't even participate in or know any of the actual history about

I was happy to let you did your own hole with the DOOOOOOM stuff, but just go away now. Thanks.
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
skoolmunkee at 1:07AM, May 13, 2011
posts: 7,057
joined: 1-2-2006
If you get the chance, please test out the newly implemented comic page layout tools on The Duck Preview site and offer your feedback regarding bugs, opinions, etc.

…. Kind of impossible if I can't log in/create an account/ do anything. :/

Have you tried contacting anyone about it? I mean, they can't fix it if they didn't know it was happening. :]

Anyway, I signed up for you. I sent you a PQ with the details.

If anyone else is having trouble signing up, or didn't get their verification email, or whatever, then let me know (probably an email to skoolmunkee at gmail is best, so I see it more quickly and can just email you back any secure info). I know there's not a lot of time before the changeover now, but if people do want to try it out I want to make sure they can. :]
last edited on July 14, 2011 3:44PM
ksteak at 1:24AM, May 13, 2011
posts: 111
joined: 3-27-2009
If you get the chance, please test out the newly implemented comic page layout tools on The Duck Preview site and offer your feedback regarding bugs, opinions, etc.

…. Kind of impossible if I can't log in/create an account/ do anything. :/

Have you tried contacting anyone about it? I mean, they can't fix it if they didn't know it was happening. :]

Anyway, I signed up for you. I sent you a PQ with the details.

If anyone else is having trouble signing up, or didn't get their verification email, or whatever, then let me know (probably an email to skoolmunkee at gmail is best, so I see it more quickly and can just email you back any secure info). I know there's not a lot of time before the changeover now, but if people do want to try it out I want to make sure they can. :]

Thanks Skool.
I couldn't figure out if the preview was a closed beta or whatever, I didn't know if it was something to be reported or not.
last edited on July 14, 2011 1:24PM
Nicotine at 1:37AM, May 13, 2011
posts: 494
joined: 6-18-2007
Now that I've got the time, I've been testing the new site. Semi-custom html for the main page? That's a start, and there are some good tools there. But, I'd still like the liberty of having other pages; a lot of other comic site allow users to create custom pages with the tools already laid out on the new site to create main pages. I'm guessing it wouldn't be too hard for the team to allow us to have customizable extra pages that way…?

Also, I think there needs to be an advanced code section for people unlike me who want to go crazy with style sheets ^^; And I wish I could move the drop down menu around/make it bigger.
last edited on July 14, 2011 2:16PM
Genejoke at 1:51AM, May 13, 2011
posts: 4,227
joined: 4-9-2010
It's good the basics are working but I second Nicotine's comments. Extra pages would be really useful, another site I use has a really good system for doing them. Something like that would be great.
last edited on July 14, 2011 12:34PM

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