I totally started this before Ozone posted his but it took a long time to put together because there

skoolmunkee at 3:21AM, Nov. 10, 2008

Drunk Duck Secret Santa Signups!

Crossover High by Maverik & co. has been on Drunk Duck for a year! We're glad to have you. :)

JP's Bearly Abel has hit the 25 page mark! Congrats on the first milestone!

The following comics are 50 pages old!

Awesome by therealtj (and ...

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Hiatus news!

SpANG at 8:36PM, Oct. 27, 2008

It's not often you get GOOD hiatus news, but here's two instances of it righ 'chere!

megan_rose tells us that I Was Kidnapped By Lesbian Pirates From Outer Space is back after it falsely said it was going on hiatus. SHAME! :P

I thought I'd need ...

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Skoolmunkee has quit...

Ozoneocean at 5:05AM, Oct. 24, 2008

doing the news since she's on Holiday! Hahahaha!
You should see your faces. Man, that's hilarious. ^_^

Seriously though, we have some…
!!!Milestones!!! and !!!News!!!

The saxy rockstar webcomic artist Junoblairb's brilliant full colour comic Star Cross'd Destiny has not ONLY reached 200 pages, but is ...

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Tuesday is the day. The day for... More milestones!

Ozoneocean at 10:38PM, Oct. 13, 2008


-Remember Skool is away on holiday till the 24th so news goes to SpANG and Ozoneocean ;)

Kyupol's dramatic MAG-ISA is up to its 175th page! A great achievement seeing how he's produced so many pages of so many other comics as well.

JustNoPoint's huge fab colour ...

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Extra: Vice & Virture, Silvershot, and Safety man hit 50!

Ozoneocean at 10:03PM, Oct. 7, 2008

Milestones! Ozone style… Ozonestones.
Remember Skool is away on holiday till the 24th so news goes to SpANG and Ozoneocean ;)

These milestones:

Loam's sexy Vice and Virtue has hit the big 50!

Priceman's dynamic Silvershot has also reached the 10x5! -not including the extra pages, so there's ...

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milestones, and Fightsplosion!

skoolmunkee at 1:01PM, Sept. 30, 2008

Still no ETA on when these new bugs from the server move are gonna get fixed, sorry. :[

booger's A Few Brain Cells Short of Normal reached 75 pages a few days ago!

Akashik by BPurg and spearcarrier reaches 100 pages on Wednesday!

ToonmanAZ's Company Man has hit 600 ...

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several bugs happening on DD since the server move (updated)

skoolmunkee at 2:00PM, Sept. 24, 2008

This is the email I've just sent to Platinum, asking them to fix:

(Unfortunately, I don't have a workaround for any of these problems. Sorry…)

1. PQ inboxes - at some point they seem to had been reset to 0, regardless of how many PQs were in them. This ...

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Milestones! Quick and easy...

skoolmunkee at 2:16PM, Sept. 23, 2008

Just a reminder, if you sent me a newspost item and don't see it here (except phinmagic), it's been lost in the server move and I need it again. :)

Also, I'm sorry if some people have sent me PQs and aren't getting replies, my PQ box ...

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Care to try a game of chickin' kickin'

skoolmunkee at 4:12PM, Sept. 15, 2008

Lots of milestones today! But first…

Sorry about the periods of site slowness and database inaccessability. Platinum is working on moving DD to a new server, but apparently things are in Houston, which isn't really in a position right now to be messing with that kind of thing. So ...

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How many different ways can you say 'news'?

skoolmunkee at 4:21AM, Sept. 11, 2008

On Wednesday, Walrus's WWE the Comic turned 50 pages old, and started its second issue!

The Five Sides of the Pentacle also had a milesone on Wednesday- 25 pages!

Atland by Nate Piekos is now at 200 pages!

And as a reminder, solidjake is still running his character-naming contest ...

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