Did you know that the Drunk Duck Anthology (Volume 3) is now for sale? Well it is, and everything in it has been contributed by DD members! Visit the link to purchase it- and enter the code “drunkard” to get 25% off!
Aussie_kid's Golden Gamers has reached its 500th ...
Ciabatta is delicious
skoolmunkee at 6:03AM, May 5, 2008Milk chocolate drops!
skoolmunkee at 1:38AM, May 1, 2008silvipera and floodgatemartyr have got a comic (Lil' Hero Artists) which you can buy (at DriveThruComics) or free-download (at Wowio)! You can support their work by getting a copy (and Wowio's free, why not?), because the more downloads they get the more likely their publisher is to release a ...
Hey guys I just got a food processor now I can CHOP STUFF chop chop chop
skoolmunkee at 8:43AM, April 28, 2008Well well, what have we here? I do believe it's more interviews from the Quack With the Ducks project! You really should be reading these, you know- they can all be found in the Interviews forum! They are all pretty awesome so far! (New ones over the weekend: kiandranishan ...
tonight we make history
skoolmunkee at 12:42PM, April 18, 2008Hi all! There's lots of things popping up lately in the http://www.drunkduck.com/community/view_category.php?cid=236 thusly I think they're limiting the number of copies sold through the interweb. So hurry hurry hurry and buy up what they got; it'll make me look ...
Everything you THOUGHT you knew... is wrong! O_O
Ozoneocean at 5:12AM, April 7, 2008Today's featured comic is Opey the Warhead!
It's Opey's first day at school and he's a little nervous. Not because his dad seems to be a real weirdo who gives bad advice, or because the city he lives in (which he's never seen before) is ...
You know what sounds good right now? Chinese food. Mmmm
skoolmunkee at 2:17PM, March 24, 2008
I hope everyone had a nice weekend, whether they celebrated a holiday or not!
Brainfuzz is technically last Friday's featured comic, but since it didn't show up on the main page til today, I'll just leave it up and continue as normal on Wednesday. :) Here's its ...
If only I had a million dollars...
skoolmunkee at 12:35PM, March 8, 2008Lots of people lately wanting artists, writers, spriters, colorists, etc over in Networking and Community this week! You might want to swing by to see if you're interested!
Wazaga tells me that the results of her contest for Ever Hollow are in, you can view them here!
Lots of ...
hot water for me!
skoolmunkee at 12:37PM, Feb. 26, 2008I'm gonna make this quick because I intend to limp off to the bath and have Calgon take me away!
The lovely Pictures of You by Gibson Twist has posted its 200th page!
crocty's Frank and Vinny has reached its 100th page, and is also 1 year old ...
So hot my fingers is burnin
skoolmunkee at 3:39PM, Feb. 23, 2008humorman's comic humor has reached 25 pages, and the author would like everyone to know that he's having a contest to celebrate! Apparently his comic already spreads joy but a contest will spread even more joyousness. So, go visit the comic and enter the contest!
Cricket's Creature ...
It's almost Valentine's Day, what are you giving me?
skoolmunkee at 1:26AM, Feb. 11, 2008And if you say ‘news’ you are wrong mister! T_T
I'm holding a contest to replace the current (and boring) title page/comic thumbnail for Rumbles. Contestants should PQ me their submissions for The Rumbles Title Page/New Comic Thumbnail Super Contest! Only one entry will be able ...