FEATURED COMIC --> Belle Starr

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 14, 2018

Belle Starr is a space adventure queen inspired by Barbarella. She steels a little spaceship and tangles with some deadly space pirates whore after more than her treasures… This is sexy retro Sci-Fi Space opera 70's style! And not just “style” but this was actually MADE in the 1970s ...

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FEATURED COMIC --> Ties That Bind

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 31, 2018

Eon messed up bad! He was supposed to be escorting a magicless girl called “seed”, but he went and got himself ambushed… Nothing he's doing is working out. Hopefully with the help of a small army unit he can make things right. if not he can always go back ...

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Quackast 396 - Amelius and Patreon

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 16, 2018


See our BRAND new player!
Our Player has updated, making it easy to listen to Quackcsts here on DD now!

Amelius of the magnificent and eternal Charby The Vampirate returns to the Quackcast today! Amelius was the first person we every interviewed and Charby the Vampirate has been on ...

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Quackast 394 - Nostalgia, creative fuel?

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Oct. 2, 2018


Nostalgia! - Where does it fit in the creative process? People are the product of their influences. For a lot of us the strongest influences happen when we're growing up and learning about the world and all the things IN it for the first time. As you get older ...

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Quackast 393 - Set the scene!

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 25, 2018


In THIS Quackcast we chat about shots! The kind you get from a camera… Long short, bird's eye view, worm's eye view, high angle, low angle, wide angle, fish eye, close up, ultra close up… You can use them to set the pace of the narrative, increase ...

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Quackast 392 - Outside hobbies

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 18, 2018


In this Quackcast we chat about what interests we have outside of webcomics and we want to know what YOU do as well. What are your hobbies and interests? Our interests and hobbies really inform what we do as comic creators in all sorts of ways, it can be ...

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Quackast 390 - Imprinting on your characters

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Sept. 4, 2018


We nicked the idea for this Quackcast from a newspost by Emma Clare. What we chat about is the unintentional process of giving your characters you own traits or even traits of people you know without realising it: Every time you draw an expression for your character you're ...

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Quackast 389 - Intimidating Baddies

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Aug. 28, 2018


What makes bad guy intimidating? Tantz Aerine made a great newspost about the question, carefully outlining various key bad-guy properties like confidence, composure, efficiency, and amorality. Banes, Pitface, Tantz and I stomp ALL over that, traipsing about like drunken, muddy rugby players, as we blather on about our opinions ...

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