If you are anything like normal people, you have a fond rememberance of a specific genre of book known as Choose Your Own Adventure. A Hard Boiled Detective is a hefty slice of nostalgia-flavored cake on a modern place setting. Use links in the author's comments to make your ...

Monday's news!
skoolmunkee at 2:52AM, March 16, 2009More round 6 Interviews today GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAL!
Round 6: kitty17 interviews Crocty of Frank and Vinny! GOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL
Mafia 4 needs YOU! Games 1, 2, and 3 were all great successes- but the Mafia won round 3! Are you townies gonna let them get away with that? Stand up ...
Thursday's news! come git!
skoolmunkee at 12:37AM, March 12, 2009Thursday's interview! GiantPinkWalrus interviews JoeL_CQB of CQB Epics!
More interviews in the Interview forum!
Peipei's DeadFingers has reached 150! Ra-ther!
Pokemon Yellow Comics by MysteriousJeff uploaded its 75th page on Tuesday! Well done!
Aghammer's Reverse Polarity has reached 25 pages! Brill!
MAG-ISA by kyupol just hit ...
New interview, 2 contests, and lots of milestones this Monday!
skoolmunkee at 12:52AM, March 9, 2009OK all- on Saturday we had the last of the interviews from Round 5. We've had 30 of these interviews come in this year, pretty amazing don't you think? And there's even more coming- Round 6 is underway and we have new ones next week! Maybe I ...
Monday news - an interview, an award, and two milestones!
skoolmunkee at 3:10AM, March 2, 2009Yet more interviews! I hope you've gotten into the habit of reading one every weekday (and a few on weekends too)! Today's new offering is Niccea interviewing SuperSymon (Writer) and MrHades (Artist) of Retake - and don't forget there are some that still seem a bit overlooked so ...
Lots of news today! Interviews, Mafia, publicity, and milestones!
skoolmunkee at 1:08AM, Feb. 12, 2009Today's QWtD interview: Mutation interviews kaleygeminni, of Geminni! Get reading!
And in a complete coincidence, kaleygeminni's Geminni reached 100 pages yesterday!
The most recent few interviews have not gotten any replies yet which makes me very sad- if you are reading them, I'm sure that a simple ...
Hey guys, this newspost is a forums-stravaganza!
skoolmunkee at 3:45PM, Jan. 10, 2009I'm a cowboy, howdy howdy howdy howdy!
OK guys, the holidays are over and it's time again to start spending your free time on the internet- may I suggest the Drunk Duck Community Forums? Well too bad because I just did!
DD has always been a great site ...
Thursday's featured is Mastorism!
skoolmunkee at 3:22AM, Jan. 8, 2009Thursday's featured is Mastorism!
Mastorism is a universe run by the billion-year-old Phantom Lord, a guy with amazing powers and a fiery head. He's brought peace and prosperity to the planets in his universe, with the help of his Mastor police force (who are essentially all the other ...
Milestones, comic ending, and a new rivalry! gasp!
skoolmunkee at 3:43AM, Dec. 21, 2008
Rock, Paper, Cynic by The Real Macabre reached 25 pages last Thursday! Sorry I'm kinda late :)
QSAMA's Girl Jesus (like boy Jesus but without the beard I hope) has reached 50 pages!
On Friday, worstcase's A Pathos of Kittens reached 25 pages!
Smiling Platypus
Asteroid of Doom ...