Here we are, ready for round two of the 2011 Drunk Duck Awards Quackcast! Niccea returns to preside over the announcing of the rest of the DD awards, including the most important ones like Best comic!
Listen to QUACKCAST Episode 52 - The DD 2011 Awards part 2
Topics and Show ...
QUACKCAST Episode 52 - The DD 2011 Awards part 2
Ozoneocean at 9:30AM, Nov. 21, 20112011 Comic Awards, QC contributions, Lite Bites and Apocalypse 2030 milestones
skoolmunkee at 4:55AM, Nov. 18, 2011
You guys didn't forget about the 2011 Comic Awards did you? (Run by royduncan100, houseofmuses, and others!) Their winners have been announced (with all the big graphics, riotous humor and good-natured mocking you'd expect). Be sure to check out all the pages- they really make a production out ...
Gullas in the Spotlight, 2011 DD Secret Santa, Culture Shock contest!
Ozoneocean at 12:31AM, Nov. 16, 2011
Ayesinback suggested this fine upstanding paragon of everything that is wonderful about DD and I heartily agree with her!
Gullas participated in both years of the radio contest, he performed as a DD award judge, he’s a staple of the mafia game, a comic-creator, a contributor to Quackcasts and ...
QUACKCAST Episode 51 - The 2011 Drunk Duck Awards! Niccea to the rescue!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 15, 2011DRUNK DUCK AWARDS 2011!
Ozoneocean at 9:53AM, Nov. 13, 2011
The Drunk Duck Awards!
These have been going on for a week now and will finish up in another week's time. In the mean time you should totally check them out and have a look at all the very worthy and deserving comics, creators ...
QUACKCAST Episode 50 - enhanced, exposed and erect, Adult Webcomics
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Nov. 8, 2011
A broad yet tasteful, classy and highly discrete discussion about the wonderful and disturbing world of lewd, lascivious adult webcomics.
Listen to QUACKCAST Episode 50 - enhanced, exposed and erect, Adult Webcomics
Topics and Show Notes
Featured Comics:
Deadhead Zero -
Backup Comic - ...
NickyP, DD Awards volunteers STILL NEEDED! and A Deviant Mind is 150!
skoolmunkee at 5:03AM, Oct. 26, 2011from ozoneocean,
This week Nicky P gets the spotlight! You may recall Nicky from his magnificent staring role as Maxwell McDuff in the DD radio play, it was a fantastic performance, the man is an actor extraordinaire!
Nicky P is an enthusiastic participant in community activities (including the DD radio ...
WWE The Comic, Hyperactive Comics, and Mask of the Aryans
skoolmunkee at 4:00AM, Oct. 21, 2011
WWE The Comic by Walrus hit 400 pages on Thursday!
And on Saturday, hyperactive comic's Hyperactive Comics celebrates 5 years on the Duck!
and from bravo1102,
I have not been paying attention to any milestones for Mask of the Aryans. It doesn't help that the total number of ...
The 2011 Comic Awards!
skoolmunkee at 7:21AM, Oct. 16, 2011
Hey guys! While the judges are carefully perusing the DD Awards finalists, I just want to remind you that there is another comic awards project underway too! The 2011 Comic Awards! This one is spearheaded by RoyDuncan100 of Villain Next Door and features judges houseofmuses, El Cid, artdude2002 and man ...
RPGgrenade, DD Awards finalists, and DO 24 HOUR COMICS!!!
skoolmunkee at 1:00AM, Sept. 30, 2011ozoneocean says:
In the community spotlight this week RPGgrenade. RPGgrenade has shared so much of his experience and knowledge with the DD community in the forums and through numerous clever and funny scripts provided to the Quackcast. He’s an enthusiastic contributor with many creative and intelligent things to share ...