Tattoo Art

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 14, 2019

While walking down the street in San Diego’s gas lamp quarter I pass a tattoo shop and my friend says to me, “Let’s get tattoos! I already know what I want my next design to be.” I hesitated and walked on not because of my lack of interest ...

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Writing Mental Illness (Part 1)

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 12, 2019

Writing a character with mental illness can be a very tricky thing. Writers usually go for the extremely rare, exotic and spectacular: multiple personality disorders, extreme manifestations of psychopathy or sociopathy, high functioning autism with that ever alluring ‘savant’ magic going for the character, bombastically spectacular schizophrenia… in many ways ...

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Exposition - Just the tip

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 11, 2019

In a nutshell, exposition is a big ole mound of information that the author wants the reader to know before they move on in the plot. It often gets a bad rap but that is usually due to it being used incorrectly. There is definitely a place for exposition so ...

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Seriously Funny

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 10, 2019

Seriously Funny

I didn't have a chance last week to talk about the passing of Bob Einstein, aka Super Dave Osborne, aka Marty Funkhauser.

Hilarious as Larry David's sometimes-nemesis and sometimes-friend, Marty Funkhauser, I remember him from many years ago on an old show called “Bizarre”.

The host ...

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QUACKCAST 408 - The imitation game

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 8, 2019

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Happy new year! This is the first Quackcast recorded in 2019! Pitface is back too, can you believe it? In this Quackcast we chat about Imitation, based ...

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No Spoilers!

kawaiidaigakusei at 12:00AM, Jan. 7, 2019

While talking about the Golden Globes last night, my best friend tells me to stop spoiling the end results. ‘Okay, I will stay in the crisper’, I responded. I should have known! A majority of people do not like endings of books or winners of award shows revealed before it ...

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15 Years, I Keep On Duckin'

Amelius at 12:13PM, Jan. 6, 2019

Oh what a coincidence, that my newspost day should fall upon the date of my 15th year on this very site! So naturally, on this anniversary, I'd like to open up and reflect on how the Duck has left a major impact on my life and work.

Every year ...

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Writing Your Own OC Spinoffs

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, Jan. 5, 2019

I'm not sure how many creators do it, but I often place my original characters in different settings, writing out stories about them very much like I'd write fanfiction about some established franchise.

It's even more fun when I do it mixing them up with characters from ...

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Following through on your NY goals

Emma_Clare at 12:00AM, Jan. 4, 2019

If you are like 92.4% of people at the beginning of the New Year (not a factual number mind you), you have sat down with a shine in your eye to set about making a list of goals to achieve in 2019. I know I have. So far there ...

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Therefore, But and Because

Banes at 12:00AM, Jan. 3, 2019

But and Therefore

I'm a fan of user-friendly, practical advice on things, especially writing. It's why I dig the Banes Method (it's not my method; it's just named after me).

Anyway, I came upon some dandy advice from Trey Parker and Matt Stone of South Park ...

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