The Horribles… It's Rohld Dahl, the Adams Family, the Munsters, Where the Wild Things Are and so much more, all rolled into one horrible, marvellous, strange, terrible, delightful bundle and tied up with evil string!
Carolyn the creator is a fantastically talented artist and writer, you're bound to ...
THURSDAY'S FEATURE --> The Horribles
Ozoneocean at 12:16AM, Sept. 10, 2009Thursday's feature: Powerjeff!
Ozoneocean at 10:45PM, Dec. 10, 2008
Powerjeff is Thursday's feature!
Funky comic. Funky art. Funky stories. Jeff, his alter ego Powerjeff, his chia sheep Chia, its baby (Baby Jeff - don't ask), and his nemesis Jeremiah the fart-mutant, have wacky little episodes together. Going to highschool can be tough for some, but not for these ...
Zac and MrRiot do Civil War. The End.
skoolmunkee at 4:23AM, July 2, 2007Sorry these newsposts are a bit belated, I wanted to leave the Black_Kitty announcement up for a few days. I hope that was okay. :) To read that announcement, go here. We are still collecting sympathy cards and any donations at this account for those who are so inclined. You can ...
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