This is Part 2 of my interesting chat with Jillyfoo (popular artist and creator of Demon Eater). Here she chats about various interesting subjects particularly applicable to webcomic creation from what she uses to keep her inspired while working, to how to make money and network at conventions and ...
Quackcast Episode 60 - Jillyfoo interview part two
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 17, 2012THURSDAY FEATURE --> The Greening Wars, Heat is on Salsa, and News!
Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, Jan. 12, 2012
the heat is on Salsa this week! Also now known as The Warnock… This guy has worked, with a few others admittedly, to keep the marvellously great community game
MAFIA alive. Salsa has been a powerhouse stalwart, working away quietly to manage and manicure this great community activity. He’s ...
Hippie Van, Fullmoon Stories book, and lots of milestones!
skoolmunkee at 9:47AM, Dec. 7, 2011
Hippe Van is in our community spotlight this week! Perhaps it's partially the impression her username leaves on me, but she's always struck me as one of the most friendly, easygoing, and considerate people on the site. She can be sighted most often (by me anyway) in the ...
Duck & Quail, contests, HotM print ad opportunity, DD Awards, Radio Play, milestones and more!
skoolmunkee at 11:21AM, June 19, 2011
VegaX has not only dug up and reposted the old Duck and Quail community mini-comics, but is inviting people to make their own! It's a great time to do so, with the imminent relaunch- we're all attached to the Duck and I'm sure you've got a ...
I have QuackCast ep. 13, Character Development interview, and milestones! FOR YOU!
skoolmunkee at 8:56AM, Feb. 1, 2011
Hello, people who like to listen to things! Did you know that Quackcast Episode 13: The Many Ways to Not Work on Your Comic is now available?
Oz and skool discuss their first disagreement on a feature, cementing skool's image as “the evil one”. They then get into a ...