Ozoneocean at 1:24AM, June 17, 2010

Joe Pop is a pop musician, not the crap Gaga, Britney, talent-show sort, no, he's the old fashioned working type. Joe Pop and his sidekick Bob the bassist work at their craft of music making, at the mercy of a small record company and the pop-culture world they don ...

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I am sure there is a metaphor for America somewhere in that game

skoolmunkee at 8:15AM, June 13, 2010

Don't forget, if you want to be in a mid-week newspost, send your news to ozoneocean! However, if you are ok with being newsposted on Sunday, go ahead and send it to me as normal. :]

My weekly webcomic, Tales of the Sly Ditt Inn, reaches the milestone of ...

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TD/DD High, Mafia XXIX, and milestones, you are all so ungrateful! >:[

skoolmunkee at 10:52AM, June 9, 2010

How about that great newspost Oz made earlier today, huh? :] I couldn't have made it sound that exciting.

Also I'll be gone next week, so I won't be doing a newspost mid-week, though I should be able to do newsposts on the two Sundays- but if you ...

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Milestones, and the DD Awards are coming again!

skoolmunkee at 1:34PM, June 6, 2010

Hey folks! JustNoPoint is starting up the Drunk Duck Awards, a community ‘project’ where we all get to vote for our favorite comics in various categories! He's running the show this year, and it's a lot of work- so he'll be asking for various sorts of help ...

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Sunday Night Skoolmunkee Report

skoolmunkee at 12:55PM, May 2, 2010

Good evening viewers, thank you for tuning in. A lot has happened this week. Arizona has finally shown its crazy. Louisiana is in mortal environmental danger again. People find a car bomb in New York City and New Yorkers say “eh.” Britain is getting ready to lynch its entire government ...

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Ozoneocean at 7:13AM, April 15, 2010


Skull Girl is a newly graduated wannabe supervillian. She has a fancy sexy costume and a degree, but soon finds she needs more than that to get by in the world! Follow the hilarious adventures of this sexy young villainess as she goes from success to success.
Super Temps is ...

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Books, games, milestones, and prepare for the store opening!

skoolmunkee at 12:32PM, March 28, 2010

OK everyone, get your art ready! The launch of the DD Store is imminent, and all you have to do is sign up (it will be linked to your DD account, if you want to use the same username) and upload images! Your buyers will get to choose what to ...

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OK, images, uploads, and edited HTML should be FIXED!

skoolmunkee at 3:59PM, March 17, 2010

OKAY! Guys, the images and everything should be WORKING AGAIN. Please see the previous newspost for the explanation and our huge apology about the problems! Now everything should be working fine again, please tell me or Oz if they're not.


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Update on the image/uploading bug- problem found, end in sight!

skoolmunkee at 2:39AM, March 17, 2010

They've found out what the problem is- their image server ran out of space (but the server host neglected to warn them of the problem or tell them when the space actually ran out, so they had no idea). We've been told that things should be working again ...

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Newly updated pages not appearing - reported to Platinum

skoolmunkee at 1:27AM, March 14, 2010

I've gotten a number of PQs about this (so has Oz I think): Newly updated pages, comic images, files, etc are not working. If you try to view a newly updated comic you only see a ‘broken image’ graphic where the page ought to be.

I'm not sure ...

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