Recycling Ideas From The Trash

Amelius at 12:04PM, Nov. 18, 2018

There are no bad ideas, just poor execution…..terrible, awful execution.

You may have seen those games that go around on social media, such as “Describe a classic movie/video game/novel in the worst way possible”, it shows how easy it is to make any concept seem like the ...

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Why do we need Webcomics?

Tantz_Aerine at 12:00AM, March 31, 2018

They’re painstakingly made, take a lot of time to be completed, often cause their creators to burnout or feel like their investment goes unsung or unrewarded. To make a webcomic is a serious commitment that requires discipline, dedication, planning and scope. And there are no guarantees.

So why do ...

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THURSDAY FEATURE --> Mailbox Rocketship

Ozoneocean at 12:00AM, July 12, 2012

Keith McDonald can't sleep anymore, he lies awake at night waiting for his alarm clock to go off. It's torture. But his life changes when his bubbly friend Cassi encourages him to see his science minded friend Mike. Keith is suddenly blessed with amazing super human powers and ...

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